Bronwen Thomas (People & Planet)
Ewa Jasiewicz (PLATFORM London)
Speakers event on how the Department for International Development and the Royal Bank of Scotland financially support future dangerous and unsustainable climate change.
Bronwen Thomas (People & Planet)
Ewa Jasiewicz (PLATFORM London)
A speakers event exposing two organisations responsible for financing unsustainable climate change through their support for destructive oil and gas projects; the Royal Bank of Scotland (covered by PLATFORM) and the Department for International Development (covered by People & Planet).
Platform London (

People & Planet (

There are People & Planet groups at over 60 UK universities and colleges. They are run by students and are the core of the People & Planet network. They campaign and raise awareness about the global issues that matter to them by having speakers, debates, quizzes, colourful demonstrations, boycotts, club nights and more.
Full information on the People & Planet Birmingham Forum events, including travel information and links, can be found on the dedicated webpage: