Another great action involving reclaimed and grown food, best curry yet, and broad-based campaigning work.
The food was fantastic; we had a good collection of fruit and veg from shops, and also a good harvest of broad beans from the FnB allotment. This was the first time food from the allotment has gone in a serving, so a significant moment in Brum FnB's history: a little bit of food autonomy at last! And it made an excellent dish, traditional Arabic, cooked by FnB's newest volunteer. It was only one of the three dishes we served that day. Also on offer was an unusual, very tasty, curry involving apples, and a carrot and seed salad. Liquid refreshment on the hot (at last!) summer day was two fresh fruit juices: one a melon and apple mix and the other grapefruit sweetened with pineapple. And for afters the FnB traditional banana cake and a new raw flap-jack.
There was a really good vibe. Loads of interesting networking amongst activists and interested members of the public. One of the PSC members and a FnB member talked about ways of networking between the various progressive political campaigns throughout the City. Ideas floated were a regular social meet up (bringing food to share), holding progressive fairs where each campaign hosts an info stall, and ultimately setting up a social centre.
Its amazing the amount of anarchists you meet on the streets! Its always a buzz to find people who identify so easily with the principles of non-hierachy and no leaders. Living so long in a society that rubbishes what we know to be commonsense its great to meet people you would not stereotype as your typical anarchist feeling so passionately the same. An empowering lesson relearnt at each serving! One of us had a chat with a radical christian about the the need for flexible structures as opposed to rigid stifling structures that can be dominated by ego personalities. (Umm!) She was kicked out of her old church for being too radical, wonder why? :0)
Many of the Brum FnBers have been busy getting together the West Mids neighbourhood for Climate Camp so much of the info on the stall this week was climate action stuff. Anyone who fancies checking the climate camp out please come and join in the west mids hood. Come for a day or the whole week, the day of action takes place over Sunday to Monday. More info at or contact the west mids group at

If you Want to get involved in Brum Food Not Bombs please contact

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