On extremely rare occasions Mikey was prone to bouts of depression, and during an episode the Police were called. Mikey was arrested outside his mother's house in Lozells Birmingham. Whilst in Police Custody in Handsworth, Birmingham on September 7th 2003, Mikey died at the hands of West Midlands Police.
'This is what happened. Officers drove a police car at Mikey, hitting him, beat him with batons, CS gassed him, restrained him and, knowing he was injured, and drove him to a police station not a hospital. At the police station the officers simply did not call for an
ambulance for over 4 minutes. Mikey was dead by the time it arrived.'
His family and friends continue the campaign for justice.
'Injustice' is a blow by blow account of the relentless struggles of bereaved families as they discover how they lost their loved ones in extremely violent deaths at the hands of the Police.
'Injustice' has won many film awards including winner of the Best Documentary of the bfm International Film Festival in 2002 and Winner of the Best Film on Human Rights at the One World International Film Festival in 2002.