5.00PM, Friday 22 nd JUNE, St. Philip’s Cathedral Churchyard Square, Colmore Row, Birmingham.
The first part of the protest will be a candlelight vigil in the grounds of the cathedral to remember those victims of British immigration policy who took their own lives and to pledge our determination to stop future abuses. The ceremony will start at 5.45pm and Canon Bob Wilkes, the Dean of the cathedral, will preside over the ceremony.
Press call will be at 5.00pm.
Following the vigil and speakers, there will be food and music throughout the evening.
BABAMUNDI – 15 strong, multi-cultural, young peoples, Moseley based, Afro-Brazilian influenced drumming band.
DAHOLL ENSEMBLE - Traditional, contemporary and original Kurdish and Middle Eastern music.
Refused asylum seekers have their accommodation and meagre benefits taken away, often finding themselves homeless and destitute. Many suffer grave social and health problems and some wrestle with thoughts of suicide. These pressures have driven at least 40 asylum seekers to kill themselves since 2000.
We will be holding the vigil to commemorate their lives, and to pledge our determination to campaign for justice for the living.
Justice for the Living: Sleep out in solidarity with destitute asylum seekers
This protest against Home Office attacks on asylum seekers will include music, speeches and food and will start once the vigil has ended. Part of a countrywide action called for this weekend, the Birmingham protest includes supporters of the Still Human Still Here campaign including Church Action On Poverty, the Refugee Council and Amnesty International UK. This year we will be using cardboard boxes as well as tents for shelter. We will be making shelters during the evening.
This protest against Home Office attacks on asylum seekers will include music, speeches and food. All asylum seekers, refugees, and those who support their right to remain in the UK, are welcome.
Refugee Council, Amnesty International UK, Church Action on Poverty, ASIRT, Birmingham No Borders, Birmingham Trades Union Council, Celebrating Sanctuary, NCADC, South Asian Alliance, Warwickshire Quakers Asylum Group, West Mids PSC, Unison B’ham branch, Central African Development Action, African Community for Integration in Britain, All Refugees United Wolverhampton, Comedian Lenny Henry, Playwright David Lodge
For more information or to arrange interviews please contact:

Tel: 0791 614 4274
Birmingham’s Anti-Racist Campaign (ARC) was formed in 2004 to fight against racism and fascism and in particular focusing on campaigning for the rights of migrants to this country past and present. ARC opposes immigration controls and believe that the terrible conditions that asylum seekers are facing is a consequence of our government’s draconian policies towards asylum seekers.