On Saturday 9th June at 10am participants will be meeting at the cafe at the Midlands Arts Centre, Edgbaston (see-


Sunday will be devoted to all the other workshops we want to do, and it is hoped that some of the events will take place in the park if the weather is dry.
The timetable provisionally agreed so far is as follows:
Saturday 9th June
10am Meet at the MAC, followed by brunch icebreaker.
11am Opening session: participants will discuss together their needs and wants from the weekend.Includes intro to Climate Camp.
11.30 NVDA introdution.
1:30pm Lunch
2pm NVDA training.
5pm Reclaim Power - a film about Climate Camp 2006, followed by discussion.
7.30pm Party.
Sunday 10th June
10am Brunch
11am Workshops all day, inc. rocket stove making (learn to make a stove out of an old oil drum), consensus decision making, climate science, debunking myths and counter arguments, grey water systems, 12 volt electricity, visit to the allotment
There is no fee but donations of any kind will be welcomed. Please bring food to share if you can. Feel free to come by at any point or for the whole weekend!
Please note that times may change, as the event develops.
This is a non-heirarchically organised event: participants will get out what they put in. You can offer workshops at the event or beforehand.
For more information as to times and venue, to offer a workshop, or for any other communication, please call or text 07904 529362.
You can also email west-mids[at]climatecamp.org.uk
The West Midlands Climate Camp Neighbourhood organising group meet every
Wednesday 7.30 at the Spotted Dog pub in Alcester Street, Digbeth. Come
and get involved!