"Not only must the question be asked about how the organisers have managed to secure permission for the demonstration at Downing Street, inside the exclusion zone, the question must also be asked about how racist, neo-nazi groupings have managed to rally 645 people against something that could only have been known about by anyone other than the organisers just five weeks ago, well in advance of the event receiving any publicity, long before the site contained anything more than the front page and a couple of PDFs, and long before Muslims -- in whose name the protest is allegedly being organised -- knew of its existence.
The British Oppression demonstration organised for 15th June 2007 outside Downing Street appears to be a rather clever set-up by those who seek to gain from setting up antagonisms between ordinary human beings on the basis of superficial differences. More correctly it would be a very clever set-up if the people upon whom such confidence tricks are consistently being played weren't already wise to the true nature of the tactics that comprise the State's war on people, tactics which include the State having at its disposal a handful of radical whoevers -- in this case "Muslims" -- whose core business is cropping up and making a lot of noise when it best serves the interests of the State for them to do so.
The British Oppression event and the separatist basis for its organisation is a misdirection of the highest order. Muslims would do well to steer clear of it, as they would do well to steer clear of any other event whose founding premises are based on the same divisive, divide and conquer tactics that seek to segregate people from each other and which only ever serve the interests of the State and never the best interests of the people.
Luckily for the population at large, those elements of the State tasked with pulling off such high profile media stunts have blown almost all of the radical "Muslim" resources at their disposal -- hence the resurgence of Omar Bakri Mohammad and associated groupings and hence why Herr Doktor John Reid is happy to call a State of Emergency that would annihilate everyone's human rights -- as the State endeavours to manufacture from Islam "a threat bigger than Hitler", a threat the magnitude of which only the State itself could ever represent, just as it was Hitler's own fascist state that presented the greatest threat the German people ever faced."
Hide the following 11 comments
racist no... anarchist no...
25.05.2007 05:57
Just moronic!
25.05.2007 09:52
Like the above poster had already mentioned this is incredibly divisive, first of all it supposes that the religion of Islam is being attacked which it is not, secondly it supposes that we should be defending reactionary ideas because they are part of a multi-cultural society, thirdly it suggests that muslims, atheists, christians, (insert religious denomination) are different to each other because they believe one or other doctrine and as such these people need to be treated differently to each other, there is no working class just different target groups, give everyone his own place of worship and he'll be happy. This is of course the function of religion it pacifies, divides and splits the populace into easily controllable groups.
25.05.2007 12:17
nb. arab lands ( and also england ) were not always muslim or christian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be either is to be a part of the attack on previous more women friendly cultures.
nnb the pope was a nazi
aisan not muslim
fuck racism, fuck Islamism
25.05.2007 13:58
domain name lookup
AboutUs entry for the site, describing it as being dedicated to spreading the teachings of...
Omar Bakri Mohammed, former leader of al-Muhajiroun, outspoken Islamist, supporter of al-Qaeda and big fan of terrorism.
I would also advise reading britishoppression.com - "secularism", "democracy" and "the ways of the Kufr" are all derided and an Islamist alternative proposed.
The statistical invisibility of Islamist 'terrorism' in Europe
25.05.2007 15:27
In their first report of this nature - European Terrorism Situation and Trend Report 2007 - Europol reports that across the EU there were 498 terrorist attacks in 2006. These include:
424 'ethno-nationalist and separatist' (mostly in France and Spain)
55 'left-wing and anarchist' (mainly Greece , Italy, Spain and Germany)
1 failed Islamist terrorist attack (in Germany, plus two more attempts allegedly foiled in Denmark and the UK)
1 right-wing terrorist attack (in Poland)
The figures appear to over report left and anarchist 'terror' by categorising some political demonstrations which result in damage to property as 'terrorism'. On Germany it reports that 'the G8 Summit 2007 that still has to be held has already been the target of left-wing and anarchist terrorists.' The report also appears to under report 'right wing' and neo-fascist violence since this is as the report states: 'mainly investigated as right-wing extremism and not as right-wing terrorism'. The report only includes rightwing and animal rights political violence as terrorism if reported as such by member states.
The report does also note that the 0.2% of attacks undertaken by Islamists resulted in fully half the 706 arrests in the EU being of Muslims. The UK itself has seen hundreds of arrests on trumped up charges which are later shown to be false and often propagandist. Indeed one of the two alleged 'foiled' attacks in the figures is the much heralded transatlantic bomb plot in the UK which has certainly adversely affected millions of air passengers. However, it does appear that this plot existed much more in the minds of the security establishment than in reality: http://www.rawstory.com/news/2006/Sources_August_Terror_Plot_Fiction_Underscoring_0918.html .
I wondered how well the pattern of media reporting conformed to the pattern of offences or the pattern of arrests. In 2006 the National press in the UK carried 26, 577 reports which mentioned the word 'terrorist' or 'terrorism'.^ Of these 7,620 also referred to 'Islam', 'Islamist' or 'Muslim'. In other words the media reported Islamist violence out of all proportion to the number of attacks. This is hardly helpful to those trying the resist the wave of islamophobia emanating from sections of the police and from the intelligence agencies and politicians. Nor does it give much hope for muslims under attack throughout the UK.
*Thanks to Eric Herring for drawing these figures to my attention.
^Figures from searches conducted on Lexis-nexis press database.
Europol, 'First Terrorism Situation and Trend Report of Europol released' News Release, The Hague, 10 April 2007. http://www.europol.eu.int/index.asp?page=news&news=pr070410.htm
European Terrorism Situation and trend Report 2007
David Miller
Homepage: http://www.spinwatch.org/content/view/4236/29/
25.05.2007 15:58
Yosef's Uncle Tom-like behaviour doesn't do favours to anyone, Muslim or non-Muslim alike. It is hight time that Muslims and non-Muslims rose up against British State Oppression. I wish the organizers of this Meeting all success.
e-mail: fidelista@riseup.net
Homepage: http://chimesofreedom.blogspot.net
25.05.2007 22:35
point of confusion
26.05.2007 16:29
the group doesn't actually label the osters as racist, that's the newspaper. its a little out of context. i dont know much about the event as its all a bit anonymous for my liking but i've got no probs with the anti-vandalism stuff x
Re: Racist?
26.05.2007 17:25
Compare that to the vandalism caused by British forces in places like Iraq and Afghanistan!
If billposting is to be considered 'vandalism' by protest groups then that only shows how tamed they have become made by the state. Dear god, what times we live in!
Yosef would have done best just to keep his mouth shut. There is no question that the British state is oppressive and that it deliberately scapegoats the Muslim community in what is state-condoned racism.
I admit, however, to have rashly wished the organisers of this Meeting good luck as all the time in the back of my mind a little voice was shouting, "Dirty work!"
This has been confirmed by Antagonist on his blog at http://antagonise.blogspot.com/2007/05/british-oppression-downing-street.html and I would advise everyone to read it.
The British state would love to be able to use anything to further demonise Muslims. It looks very much like it and its agents are behind this event.
e-mail: fidelista@riseup.net.com
Homepage: http://chimesofreedom.blogspot.com
27.05.2007 19:28
I must remember and tell this to someone from the Afro-carribbean community. I'm sure that it'll be news to them.
you've got it wrong...
27.05.2007 20:57
in response to KosmicK's comment:
"Yosef would have done best just to keep his mouth shut. There is no question that the British state is oppressive and that it deliberately scapegoats the Muslim community in what is state-condoned racism."
"The British state would love to be able to use anything to further demonise Muslims. It looks very much like it and its agents are behind this event."
Actually, I think the posters urging Muslims (those of whom it urges being largely British anyway) to rise against the 'British' suggests to the passer-by that that is the view of ALL Muslims in Britain (like the enemy within). The violent elements in the posters and the radical group behind them are what would demonise Muslims. Adam Yosef made it very clear that the Muslims in the area were not supporting a fringe group. How does that make him contribute towards demonistation toward Muslims exactly??? Leaving the posters up would have more served the 'WAR ON TERROR' and demonisation, that's what those radical groups are there for, serving the interest of the government's agenda.