1.Hussein was more than threatening to dump the U.S. dollar in favor of the Euro. Most readers here –likely- already know that the U.S. dollar is the reserve currency with which oil is traded on the world market. So what inevitably followed is that the dollar had become grossly overvalued when compared to other currencies. And, the dollar is facing a precipitous crash should the Euro replace it in several countries as the oil futures reserve currency. The U.S. military just as with the 1893 take over of Hawaii is the "Mafia a Don" enforcer for Wall Street shyster thieves and criminal finance oligarchs. We have destroyed the nation of Iraq to shore up the endangered overvalued dollar.
2.Banks create money out of thin air and grant loans. The value of these "loans" is counted as additional assets of the bank which is patently ridiculous. But, to make matters even worse, the banks receive interest payments on these phantom loans. This is what is known as fractional reserve lending. War creates debt with superlative capacity and efficiency. Banks love debt. Banks crave debt. WWI & WWII -by the way -from the debt creation stand-point were absolute windfalls .For banks, debt means wealth. The oligarchy need only create the perception in the minds of the craven, sheeple masses that there is an enemy .The false flag operations of 9-11-01 jump started this current slippery slope of groundless anxiety. The sheeple masses will always accept war once they have been flimflammed into believing the country is being attacked. George Bush is a shill for the finance oligarchs and global capitalists and was more than happy to accommodate by insisting that we invade and occupy Iraq.
3.The U.S. invaded and brought about regime change in Iraq for the same reason we did in Iran with Mohammad Mossadegh,Chile with Salvador Ayande, Omar Torres in Panama et al. Needless to say if Hussein had become a Wall Street ,Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg ,Rothschild puppet like the House of Saud we wouldn’t be having this discussion. Saddam Hussein wasn’t willing to victimize his people economically such as the House of Saud was more than willing to do theirs. So we got rid of Hussein. (Reason #7 is related)
4.To establish hegemony in the oil rich Middle East with the hopes of using that Hegemonic control over particularly the oil resources of that region with Peak Oil as a backdrop as an economic weapon primarily against OPEC, Japan, the Russian Republic, and China, and other countries- Germany for example -to a lesser extent..
5.The criminal finance oligarchs had been hungry for new money laundering opportunities.BushMob/FedGov both the visible and the invisible are more than happy to accommodate this hunger. Some 28 billion (that's billion with a "B") dollars thus far are lost by the U.S. military, the illegal money grabbing private security firms such as DynCorp, and Kellogg Brown and Root; also by the puppet of the U.S. Iraqi Provisional Authority, the new puppet al-Maliki government; also by –of course-, the Halliburtins,Bechtels,And Carlyle Groups of the world. You can bet your bottom dollar that this "missing" money" is ending up in the hands of Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Rothschild types.
6.To lift Leo Strauss's philosophy off the yellowing pages of books, articles, essays lecture notes etc. and shove it down the collective throats of the people of the earth. After all a Neocon is by definition is a person that is a proponent of Leo Strauss philosophy. Leo Strauss urged that mankind isn't mankind until mankind reverts to that former pre-agrarian nomadic food foraging polity. Leo Strauss' philosophy called for ridding the earth of these pesky excess six billion souls that presently draw breath. What's the new saying? Kill the brown people with asymmetric war and kill the black people with AIDS.
7.Related to reason #3, simply sounding notice to other world leaders that if they favor the economic well being of their countrymen such as did Saddam Hussein they face forced removal by Uncle Sam. Puppets of the finance oligarchs and global capitalist on order of f.i. Alvaro Uribe of Columbia are safe. Egalitarian populists like Castro , Hugo Chavez or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad need be wary.
8.Lastly, we needed an asymmetric invasion to test leading edge weaponry .Illegal, ethnocidal; unseemly, immoral U.S. aggression in Afghanistan was not filling the bill.
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Playground bully
10.05.2007 13:55
I don't think your eighth reason is quite in-depth enough - it is not just to test the weaponary, it is to use some of it up so that it has to be reordered, boosting the 'defence' corporations stocks and shares.
Bazzar Macabre
10.05.2007 17:50
If you've watched T.V. and you've seen the war
And if you've wondered what it's for,
Then listen to me and I'll tell you a tale
About how we put death on sale
To despots, tyrants, killers and kings
And how we've sold them all these things
That smash and burn and maim and kill
And give the viewers such a thrill.
We've got smart missiles and brilliant bombs
And all for sale on generous terms,
Tanks on HP, guns by the pound,
There's plenty of death to go around.
So, roll up, roll up now, don't be shy,
If you want to watch some raghead die,
Brought to your home by Ted and friends
At BSkyB and CNN.
And when it's all over and they're all dead
And when we've stained the desert red
And when we've finished having our fun,
Well, then we'll say "here, see this gun?
Well, it won't jam, it'll fire all day
While your young men blow theirs away
And this bomb gives more bang for your buck,
What, human rights? Who gives a fuck?"
'Cause we've got the toys with which to play,
If you want to take those rights away
And torture, murder, maim and kill
And bend your subjects to your will.
So, roll up, roll up now, don't be shy;
It's all on sale for you to buy,
All this death's going for a song.
You've seen the war: now buy the bomb!
Bob Maycock
Absolute Greed
10.05.2007 23:45
The greed of several entities :
1) the british crown, who me thinks owns a majority of shares in Haliburton and other such companies like Blackwater, etc..., besides their huge portfolios in major oil companies.
Is it possible that such nationally sensitive things as the IT of the NHS and the management of the Trident nuclear base and also Aldermaston, the nuclear weapons devellopement center have been given by Blair to Halliburton, a foreign company, if it is not owned at the highest level in Great Britain ?
And it is a fact that all the above quoted companies are registering record profits after record profits since this war has begun.
But stats also curiously show that those record profits, mostly made by US companies, benefit much more british individuals than american ones.
The almost fanatical (and totally indecent and grotesque in my eyes) show of support the Queen gave to Bush recently leaves me no doubt as to how satisfied she his with his performance in Iraq.
2) the judeo-zionists, some of who are above the royals even. Here the main motivation is not money but the long term geostrategical and territorial goals of the state of Israel, an entity created and maintained artificially alive by the Rothschild barons from the very beginning to this very day.
I have no doubt that the recent number of Blair in Jerusalem, when he sang in Hebrew with a kippa on his head along with Ehud Olmert to celebrate the jewish hannukah festival a few days after the murder of Saddam Hussein is the perfect illustration of Blair's total subservience to the zionist entity.
When I saw that, I thought that Saddam had become as big as Jesus-Christ.
It's interesting to note from a "spiritual" point of view that the last two big wars of the New World Order seem to have done the most damage to two very similar religious groups, the christian orthodox church in the balkans and the sunni muslims in iraq.
They are both non pyramidal in structure and reinterpretation of the scriptures is permitted to anyone, breeding very independent minded people who then require brutal force to to be submitted to the diktats of globalization (which is no more than the loss of national sovereignties in many domains to the sole benefit of international financial cartels sympathetic to Israel), whose most visible face is Paul Wolfowitz, the president of the World Bank, also known as the architect of the Iraq war.
A man who publicly declared while he was US deputy secretary of defense that his commitment to the ultra-orthodox zionist sect Chabad-Lubavich was above all else.
No mystery that an abnormally high number of jewish troops participated in the siege of Fallujah which was apparently directed and supervised by John D. Negroponte and during which probably something like 50.000 iraqis got massacred with illegal weapons such as phosphorus, napalm and very possibly also with some not yet classified weapons such as particle beam weapons and masers (just more powerful than those introduced since some time as non lethal weapons for crowd control in the US)
The city got entirely shut from the eye of the world for an entire year.
During which time they transformed the freer religious city in the world into the first high tech prison city in which everyone is required to carry a biometric identity.
BTW the pyramid with the motto Novus Ordus Seclorum (New Order of the Centuries) that is on the one dollar bill, it is also an actual building of the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem, a building donated to the state of Israel by the Rothschild familly, just like the Knesset.
And everything has apparently been made at the political level both in the US and UK so that the security degradates in Iraq so badly as to reap a maximum of undiscriminate casualties amongst iraqis.
More Iraq bleeds the better it is for Israel.
It could even bleed to it's death considering how fucked-up the situation is, I am afraid.
Blair is leaving but he has done the job, and well.
I have read he aims at juicy employment as "advisor" on the board of some companies he greatly helped to enrich with the Iraq war.
I have also read he aims at creating a foundation to help Africa and also fancies the job of Secretary of the United Nations.
Maybe he'll find some time to collect Black Sabbath CDs, the sole known pop band he is overtly a fan just like Bush who once recitated a list of their albums which included Face In Hell, Bloodbath In Paradise, Speak Of The Devil, etc...
God save us from more crimes against humanity.
Afghanistan appears to be mostly an opium war. Production had fell to nearly 0 under the Talibans. Something had to be done about it urgently. Today Afghanistan supplies again an estimated 97% of the world multibillion illegal market of heroin I have read in a paper. The british army apparently encourages the farmers to grow poppy over there.
A good and old mate of mine from Milton Keynes I hadn't seen for ages did a lethal overdose not too long ago it has been reported to me. It was back, it was cheap and it was too strong. Sad but true like all the rest.
the Trident nuclear base ?
11.05.2007 05:12
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