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Birmingham BNP Election Fraud

D | 30.04.2007 09:05 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Birmingham

Brummagem Star exposes BNP candidates using bogus nominees for the 3rd of May council elections.

Candidates for the BNP have been using bogus nominees to make up the ten required to be able to stand for a ward. Following the exposure of such in the East Handsworth and Lozells ward, there is now evidence of false nomination papers being submitted by them in a further two wards.

Investigations have exposed that the BNP candidate for Soho, Darren John Allen, claimed to be nominated by Daljit Singh Dodd. When contacted, Mr Dodd strongly denied being a nominee and said that he had only signed a petition against a further mosque being built in the area. Mr Dodd was outraged by details being used for this purpose and said he is prepared to testify should matters go to court.

In Aston, their candidate Pamela Joan Allen has claimed the support of Khaliq Mohammed who told us he had been tricked onto signing the nomination papers without understanding what they were for.

Investigations are still ongoing into the nominations for Lee Saunders the BNP candidate in Ladywood.

“These incidents expose the dishonesty of the party and brings into question the credibility of the election process. Immediate action should be taken against these invalid and fraudulent candidates who should be withdrawn from the ballot. It further shows that the BNP have not got the city wide support that they wish to portray by their claim of being able to stand a candidate in every ward.”

Andrew Richardson researcher for ‘Brummagem Star’

The above details have been forwarded to Birmingham City Council Elections Office.

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Hide the following 8 comments

Not unusual...

30.04.2007 13:44

I'd be willing to bet that if you added up all the dodgy nominations in the whole of the country, you could probably discard 50-100 of the BNP candidates. They only get in by lying, misleading and hiding their extensive criminal backgrounds - a bit of electoral fraud is nothing to a party that's based its entire ethos on lies.

Lancaster UAF
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BNP man's FREEPHONE number

30.04.2007 14:17

Another west midlands BNP candidate, Karl Newman (who enjoys wearing nazi uniforms in his spare time) has his own windows business, and they have a FREEPHONE number - 0500 131344. Why not ring it as often as you like and cost him some cash...hit the nazi fool in his pocket!


Check your local candidates!

30.04.2007 14:32

Well worth antifascists checking their local candidates lists I would say, no doubt there are loads round the country trying to get away with this sort of stuff, if you discover any dodgy stuff with their nominations they will have to pull out! Get busy.....


Thanks for the in-depth analysis

30.04.2007 15:52

A big thanks to Lancs UAF member for his observations. Why don't you lot get round to doing the same thing up and down the country? It's one thing to say it happens and another to do something about it or hasn't High Command deemed it necessary? Or just too busy leafleting for Respect? Remember when the SWP/ANL were telling everyone to vote Labour, trying to employ entryist tatics? Exactly. There's no blood on my hands comrade.


Beware Of Nazi Trolls

01.05.2007 07:30

Articles like this, which expose the filthy, cheating truth of the BNP are linked to, on Stormponce, VNN, and BNP groups on Yahoo and Myspace, to empower the trolls to spam Indymedia with pro-BNP. anti-leftwing bullshit.

Actually, Unite Against Fascism are supported by mainstream trade unions, David Cameron and the Liberal Democrats. It is a broad church, unlike the white supremacist BNP.

You have to be white to be a member of the neo-nazi BNP. Explain away that one, fascist Stormponce scum.........

So Remember, Indymedia peeps, please do not feed the trolls, folks.......................

Linda Lovelace

Lovelace, you donut!

02.05.2007 10:22

Why do you think I am because I'm critical of the UAF? I'm an Anarchist and while we have a long tradition of fighting fascism we also have a distrust, since the First International, of the authoritarian left. The UAF are a Trot (SWP) backed group who are quite prepared to jump in bed/on the bandwagon with Cameron or any other shitbag. The Trots still believe in the out-moded approach of party building in order to bring about thier vangardist revolution. The UAF is a good (cynical) recruiting vehicle. I have worked with the ANL in the past and while they have some very good members, they have dropped militant-anti fascists in the shit on numerous occasions. The Trots on the other hand, given half a chance, would have the Anarchists in the gulag. I know it's a cliche but 'Rememder Kronstadt'.

Do you just go around pasting up crap, blurry pictures of Trolls and trying to 'out' fash?
Is that that the extent of your political activity? Do feel warm at night in the knowledge that you could be the next mosassd nazi hunter? Sado.


Beware those who stray from the party line!

02.05.2007 20:21

Beware heretics and infidels who shun building popular fronts with old etonians, business leaders, leaches and police constables and instead choose the ruiness road of actually doing something in the communities they live in!

These boat rockers disdain for the party line and sheep hearding is the work of the devil and they are really adolfs little minians in disguise and as a result should not be approached under any circumstances.

Remember kids if we cant do a paper sale it really isnt worth the hassle.

Keep towing the line comrades!

Broken toes

BNP good for immigration

17.05.2007 12:23

I dont agree with any of the policys that the BNP have to offer except, at leats they have the guts to address the terrible state of immigration in this country.

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