From the start this is a failed idea; people are not so stupid as to be influenced by the obvious embarrassing lies wrapped in a Hollywood charlatanism called “300”.
“300” certainly cannot fool people to believe what it preaches in the 21st century while there are oceans of expert references to reveal the truth.
This is a poorly biased attempt to humiliate a nation by misinterpreting history, it is a failed attempt. The Persian history has already been written long time ago, the great Cyrus Cylinder is only one example of an ancient admirable civilisation.
300 cannot indeed mislead open-minded people by such misjudgement
on Persian history.(the following reference provides more information)
300 is a clear acknowledgement of the certitude that the Great Persian civilisation is not only conquered by fundamentalist Mullahs but also
by such organizations claiming to represent the most democratic culture.
We call upon sympathisers to lobby UNESCO or other such organisations against this misrepresentation of the Truth about the Persian Civilisation and not accept this clearly Hollywood interpretation of events.
Political Association of Iranian in the West midland


News-Uncovering Iran
“Iranian history boasts the first charter of human rights- the Cyrus Cylinder, a 2500 year old cuneiform cylinder with the revered words of the ancient King of Iran, Cyrus the Great.
9 Oct 2006”

“Radio 4 Uncovering Iran- Iran: a Revolutionary State
Programme 11.30pm Sunday 17 Sep 2006(rpt Fri 11.00am) in the
British Museum there is the Cyrus Cylinder, hailed as the first charter of
Human Rights.”
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