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14 Landrovers covered in Paintstripper

ELF | 16.03.2007 11:57 | Climate Chaos | Birmingham | World

Fourteen 4x4s were covered in painstripper in a Land Rover Dealership near Hereford in an action against climate change. Slogans were also sprayed while the vehicles were left to ruin.

This action was taken to warn any dealership specialising in these cars, that they are a target. Driving one of these vehicles is the equivelent to leaving the TV on for 32 years, cars like this must be stopped in their tracks.

Climate Change is the most massive globally destructive issue that is facing us today, we can not wait for anyone else to take action but ourselves. The new dawn is coming for direct action in defence of the Earth. There will be no more tolerance.

Earth Liberation Front



Display the following 35 comments

  1. is it really a worth while action ? — erf
  2. vigilante attacks — blip
  3. well — Bob
  4. Waste of time — Moon23
  5. This is an excellent action - ignore the pathetic comments — pixies
  6. Cops and fools ..... — SUV Sam
  7. unbelievable - you will drown in the coming chaos with your heads still in the s — wittering liberal wank
  8. toxic avenger — mufty
  9. direct action is valid — property damage
  10. foxtrot ultra charlie kangaroo charlie onyx pisces sgt — a forest
  11. strange... — didntdoit
  12. Surely fire would have been better — ?
  13. hoorah for action — about time
  14. well really....... — didntdoit
  15. For the love of God... — Bob Hope
  16. Confused — owain glyndwr
  17. SUV — Anarchism - the good old way!
  18. Get ur facts before you strike — joseph
  19. Daft the lot of you — Bilbo Baggins
  20. You couldn't make this up — Intelligent
  21. A bit of advice — floyd fan
  22. Sabotage them — Israeli Defence Force use Landrovers
  23. I see the great uneducated have been out again. — Parrot
  24. Terrorism ? — JD
  25. 4x4 keyboard warriors — Fuck your cars and their environmental damage
  26. I luv TV's and 4x4's — pro-car right wing fuckwit
  27. activists ? — erf
  28. Next volcano? — Steve
  29. they're insane in the membrane — i wanna survive
  30. A voice of reason — Bilbo Baggins
  31. Excellent! — -
  32. Sort it out- think about where the real pollution is from... — Quagmire
  33. how amusing! — Krop
  34. idiots , silly little kids. — landrover owner
  35. Well done ! — DirectAction
