The NNP is already packed with BNP rejects including ex-treasurers, ex-organisers and ex-fake councillors but this, it seems, is not enough. Now Ebanks has had to resort to appealing to the real nazi lowlifes to support her. Yes, even lower than the BNP - hard to believe, we know.
According to a number of posts on the Stormfront forum, the Birmingham-based Ebanks has approached 57 year-old Eddy Morrison, so-called 'National Political Advisor' to the three-man and a very large dog group, the British People's Party, to try to sign him up. Why she'd want to when he's a renowned drunken incompetent is beyond us but apparently it's true.
Morrison, you may recall, stood in last years council elections in Bramley, duped a pensioner into signing his nomination form by telling her it was a petition against the closure of a local shopping centre. When his ruse was discovered a complaint was made to the police but the case was dropped when Morrison got such a pitifully low vote that it made no difference to the outcome. Chagrined by this disaster, Morrison promptly resigned in a huff and vowed never to stand again.
Unsteady Eddy has been around the hardcore nazi scene for years though his jumping from group to group in a dismal and doomed attempt to get some kind of power base has provoked comment even from those whom one would assume to be his colleagues. One nazi forum had this to say; 'Eddy Morrison has indeed had a remarkable career. He has been fighting for 'Nationalist Unity' in the National Front, [the notoriously violent] National Democratic Freedom Movement (his own), British National Party (his own) circa 1977, National Front again, British Movement, National Action Party (his own), National Front (again), New National Front, British National Party, National Front (again), Aryan Unity, White Nationalist party, Spearhead Support group, Spearhead Group, Nationalist Alliance and finally British Peoples Party...'
Even if he isn't a success at anything he tries, he may well hold the world record for being useless in more nazi groups than anyone else.
As foolish and impotent as Morrison is though, he is still a confirmed nazi. When approached by Ebanks, his alleged response was to ask her to prove her 'racial ancestry'. This is an allusion to the strong rumour (supported, incidentally, by her mother) that her father, Radwell Ebanks, was black. We don't care what her ancestry is but this response from Morrison serves to show where his concerns lie and indicates clearly the nature of the man. In any case, Ebanks refused to satisfy his curiousity...
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