Protest fax to UK Home Secretary
- application/msword 24K
Protest Fax/phone/email to XL Airways
- application/msword 25K
XLA4334 is the code for XL Airways UK Limited; a company that charters planes. When asked who were the contractors for flight XLA4334, XL Airways said "we cannot give that information; you have to contact the Home Office". NCADC contacted the Home Office and asked them to comment on the proposed 'Charter Flight' - a spokeswoman said "we can neither confirm or deny if there will be a 'Charter Flight'".
Bringing them in one door - kicking them out the other
Last month John Reid brought into the country through the *'Gateway Protection Programme (GPP)' a number of families/individuals from the DRC and allowed them to settle with refugee status in various parts of the UK. 77 were settled in Motherwell in Scotland.
This month he is kicking out several families/individuals from the DRC, one of the most deadly places in the world. Since 1998 over four million lives have been lost in the DRC and though the war is over there is no 'peace' and deaths continue at the rate of 1,200 a week. Recruitment of child soldiers in the DRC continues unabated. The infrastructure of the country's hospitals, roads and power supplies are archaic and in some areas non-existent.
All the families/individuals facing removal have horrific stories to tell of their lives in the DRC - they have claimed and been refused asylum in the UK. It would take too long to detail all their stories here. The families detained were living in Middlesbrough, Leeds, London, Birmingham, and Glasgow.
Normally NCADC would try to help all those facing deportation with individual campaigns but in this situation it would not be feasible to have different campaigns. The best way to support the children and adults facing removal next Monday is to campaign to have the 'Charter flight' cancelled in its entirety.
NCADC have spoken to all the families/individuals and they have agreed for a joint campaign to lobby by fax/phone/email XL Airways and the Home Office.
What you can do to Help
1) Fax/phone/email XL Airways using the model letter XLAirways.doc attached or copy/amend/write your own version (please include flight code XL4334)
Fax: 01293 410737 / Phone: 01293 497700
To email go to:

2) Fax John Reid the Home Secretary using the model letter JohnReid.doc attached, copy/amend/write your own version (please include flight code XL4334)
Fax: 020 7035 4745 from outside the UK + 44 20 7035 4745
Please notify NCADC of any faxes/letters/emails sent:

*Gateway Protection Programme (GPP) is the official name given to the UK's resettlement programme for refugees who have not entered the UK but have been determined by UNHCR as in need of protection, there is at present a limit of 500 persons per year.