The fact that a presumably a formally educated, univerisity degreed, person like Sunday Mirror columnist Carole Malone would deny that Jade Goody's, of Big Brother TV show, tirades against Shilpa Shetty were racist (and why can't Goody's behavior not be judged as nasty and bullying *and* racist), is even more telling about many white Britons than that Goody herself would deny it.
RE: The Sunday Mirror
21 January 2007
RE your Sunday Mirror column:
21 January 2007
Dear Ms. Malone:
I read your mostly thoughtful commentary, "HIDEOUS, HATEFUL BUT NOT RACISM", 21 January 2007, in the Sunday Mirror. Why is it that white people (in the UK or the US) often bend over backward (as we say in the US) to 'prove/claim' that someone's atrocious behavior, such as Jade Goody's on Big Brother, may be bullying or nasty, but it's NOT *racism*? This, in a single word, is called _denial_.
For example:
When someone is cross-culturally/-ethnically and negatively made fun of, put down or bullied for their ethnic physical features, it is *racism*, a form of *racism*, or *racial/ethnic bigotry*.
When someone is cross-culturally/-ethnically and negatively made fun of, put down or bullied for their native accent, it is *racism*, a form of *racism*, or *racial/ethnic bigotry*.
When someone is cross-culturally/-ethnically and negatively made fun of, put down or bullied for their ethnic/cultural name, it is *racism*, a form of *racism*, or *racial/ethnic bigotry*.
When someone is cross-culturally/-ethnically and negatively made fun of, put down or bullied for, generally, their ethnic cuisine, it is *racism*, a form of *racism*, or *racial/ethnic bigotry*.
When someone is cross-culturally/-ethnically and negatively discriminated against, harassed, made fun of, put down or bullied for anything inherently connected to their race/ethnicity, it is *racism*, a form of *racism*, or *racial/ethnic bigotry*. When done within cultures/ethnicities, such as over skin color, it is *internalized* racism/bigotry. (So that, perhaps, you might understand this more clearly and more personally, the same woud be true of gender and sexism -- historically and customarily against females.)
[And it's racist when someone uses racially charged or loaded "code words/language"... (like "untrustworthy", in England, or "uppity", in America, contextually/subtextually applied to minorities of color).]
The fact that Jade Goody might otherwise, in other circumstances, even be a nice person doesn't change this. I come across nice white (even liberal and/or educated -- many in the US/UK media) racists all the time.
And this, from your words in the Sunday Mirror:
"If CBB has sparked a international row about racism perhaps the place we should next look to is India itself - where the caste system is a damn sight more racist than anything that happens on these shores."
This is also a crass form of denial and an inherent attempt by you to play down not only the racism that exists in the UK (most of it, I'm sorry to say, with all due respect, you're probably oblivious to, as are the majority of whites in the UK and US), but also to play down even the bullying by Goody and her nasty allies. Not, because you said there is racism in India -- which needs to be examined too (especially that of light-skin Indians against dark-skin Indians, other people, and the caste system) -- but to say it in such a snide, smug way as to play down the racism by Goody, her allies, and in Britain.
One African American sociopolitical comedian once said, "It's not just the depth of the river that drowns you; it's the water." That there is substantial racism in some less developed, and supposedly less generally educated, countries does not excuse (and excuses it *less*) the still very substantial racism in more developed, and supposedly more generally educated, countries (and not only blacks and Asians, but especially the Irish too may have something to say about racism in the UK). This, in addition to the historically genocidal racism in US/UK/European imperialist and militarist foreign policy (as in Iraq over the past two decades or so, or in Israel over the past 60 years or so).
Martin Luther King said that it was the denial about racism by the liberal and supposedly educated whites that hurt him the most. (E.g., see King's "Letter from a Birmingham [Alabama] Jail".) I see/hear this all the time in the US and the UK.
Hopefully, you will understand what I am saying here, but if you don't, then that's, unfortunately, what I would expect from the majority of whites in the US and UK.
Joseph Anderson
Berkeley, CA, USA
(It's the university town of UC Berkeley, across the bay from San Francisco.)
Hide the following 5 comments
22.01.2007 13:48
Yet More Channel 4 Reality TV Racism
22.01.2007 14:37
Hot on the heels of Jade Goody and the rest of her gang spouting racist views on Big Brother we've now been introduced to Lucy. Posh tart Lucy has so far claimed that black people are 'really bad' and that she supports the re-introduction of slavery.
Whilst the views of some over-privileged airhead are of little concern here at the void, this seems to be yet another example of Channel 4 using racism in an attempt to tittilate the viewers and score ratings by using inane wannabes to cause controversy and hopefully up the ratings.
We're not the biggest fans of laws here, but we wonder if the CRE is watching as dipstick Lucy's comments could well fall foul of the race relations laws.
We remember when Channel 4 produced (vaguely) radical and challenging TV, now it sadly seems to have become a platform for small minded bigots to spout their ever more offensive views in the name of making some cash ...
.. and it just ain't funny anymore.
Next week on Channel 4 expect Combat 18 and the Aryan Brotherhood to star in the latest reality wankfest. Pulls the punters in after all."
I weep for humanity...
22.01.2007 18:22
The late, great Bill Hicks had something similar to say about the hype of Basic Instinct:
"Don't get sucked in by the phoney hype surrounding this movie. Quick capsule review: 'Piece a shit!' That's all it was, is a piece of shit."
Anyway replace Basic Instinct with Big Brother and that I how I feel about this so called "controversy".
Mr. Humph
"white trash" is a term invented by _whites_
22.01.2007 19:59
22.01.2007 13:48
White trash ain't racism.
ergon" ]
The term, "white trash", used in BB was a quoted one attributed to two _whites_ in the show to describe Jade Goody and/or her mother Jackiey: their low mental class _coupled with_ their uncouth behavior, speech style _and_ language. Actually, trashy, boorishly, loutishly and racistly (in Western society the perpetrator historically and typically being white) uncouth behavior can occur in a white person of any economic class (as even in "rich white trash").
reality check
another reality check
22.01.2007 21:21
reality check