* Asylum detainees as at 30 September 2006: 1,455 detainees who had claimed asylum at some stage
[Please note that detention has not fallen, the Home Office no longer include persons detained in prison in the statistics]
* As at 30 September 2006, 1,455 persons who had sought asylum at some stage were being detained in the UK solely under Immigration Act powers. This accounted for 72% of all detainees (compared with 1,705 persons as at 24 June). This excludes persons detained in police cells and prison establishments. Due to a change in the working practices of IND, statistics on those detained in prison establishments under sole Immigration Act powers are not available for Q3.
* 1,425 were held at Immigration Service Removal Centres, and 30 at Immigration Short Term Holding Facilities.
* The nationalities accounting for the highest number of asylum detainees were Sri Lankan (100), Turkish (100) and Nigerian (90). 94% of asylum detainees as at 30 September 2006 were male.
* As at 30 September 2006, 20 people detained solely under Immigration Act powers were recorded as being less than 18 years old. All of these had been in detention for less than one month.
Top 10 asylum detained nationalities Q3 2006
Sri Lanka 100
Turkey 100
Nigeria 90
India 85
Eritrea 80
Pakistan 80
China 65
Algeria 60
Sudan 60
Afghanistan 60
Other nationalities 670
Total 1,455
35 persons had been detained for more than 12 months.