Police took over 20 minutes to respond to the action but on arrival failed to convince the protestors to move on, with half-hearted vague threats of arrest for obstruction of the highway, breach of the peace, and even witholding identity (which isnt a crime duh). In the end there was little the small group of ill prepared local pigs could do except stand by, wave bemused motorists on and take some late photos on a knocked up digital camera.
The protest ended peacefully at a time determined by the protestors after a meeting to which the franchisee was invited to give a formal response to the protest. The blockade lasted a total of three hours.
Police followed some of the protestors to a nearby restaurant after the action, going as far as entering the premises to conduct surveillance before the owner of the business asked them to leave on the grounds they were harrassing his customers for no reason.
(video footage and pictures to follow)

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