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Birmingham Ramallah Twinning Initiative (BRTI)

Kath | 16.11.2006 16:57 | Culture | Globalisation | Palestine | Social Struggles | Birmingham | World

As part of the grassroots initiative to twin Birmingham with Ramallah on the West Bank of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, four Palestinians from Ramallah will visit Birmingham from the 20th to the 29th of November

They are all part of our sister twinning committee in Ramallah. One works at HDIP a health project, one works in the Human Rights organisation Our Rights, one works in the media and the other is a teacher. During their stay they hope to meet organisations and groups that would be interested in finding out more about the daily situation in Palestine and how grass roots links may be developed between the people of our two cities.

If you would like one of them to speak to your organisation, please contact one of the numbers below.

You may also wish to attend one of the workshops that we are arranging.

Women and the struggle
This workshop will be led by Ola and Eman and will discuss the particular position of women.

Carrs Lane church Center

Monday 20th November

Education Under Occupation
Ola, a teacher from Ramallah, and a teacher from Camden, will lead this workshop. Ola will explain the current situation for both teachers and pupils followed by a discussion of how we can link schools and pupils.
Tuesday 21st November
Carrs Lane church Center

Organising non-violent resistance – The campaign against the Apartheid Wall
Nassif who is one of the organizers in the popular committees against the wall will lead this workshop.

Carrs Lane church Centre

Wednesday 22nd November

Palestinian Human Rights – the struggle to attain them
Eman works in Palestinian Rights NGO – Our Rights and will talk about her work.

Thursday 23rd November

Friday 24th November

The Midlands Palestinian Community Association (MPCA)
are hosting a

Falafel Evening

7pm onwards

for the venue and more details please see our website

To find out more about twinning please see the National Twinning network website

To contact us please call Caroline Johnson 07855645199 or email



Display the following 4 comments

  1. twin town war town — shug
  2. Bombs will fall on Brum — Intifada Man
  3. Venue for 22/11/06 — Becca P
  4. Woops — Becca P
