In a very direct letter, sent by way of fax, to the National Housing Federation’s Chief Executive, Mr. David Orr, the Shalom Family from Wales have made the following appeal, as they continue in their Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc.
The letter is reproduced below:
David Orr
Chief Executive National Housing Federation
Lion Court
25 Procter Street
19th September 2006
Sent by Fax 020 7067 1011

Dear Mr. Orr,
National Housing Federation (NHF) Annual Conference and Exhibition 2006
Invited Guest Speaker Mr. John Callcutt CBE
Chief Executive Officer of English Partnerships
With reference to the above and our previous enquiries to you regarding our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc, we respectfully ask you, your organisation and your respective associates, to kindly refrain from associating with proven corporate bullies.
May we kindly remind you that Mr. John Callcutt CBE comes to your National Conference and Housing Exhibition with a documented history of being negligent in his primary duties, (to enforce health and safety) as former Chief Executive Officer of Crest Plc.
As a direct result, coupled with his mendacious qualities, Mr. Callcutt, in directing Crest Plc, was most instrumental in bringing about the total destruction of our Family’s beautiful way of life, our decently-safe and satisfactory Family Home of 14 years, and the total seizure of our entire Family possessions, which still remain seized and not properly accounted for.
We accept that the NHF Conference at the International Convention Centre in Birmingham, will attract many guest ‘key note’ speakers between 20th and 22nd September and we acknowledge that the following individuals are due to speak:
Rt Hon Yvette Cooper MP, Minister for Housing and Planning, Department for Communities and Local Government, Barry Gardiner MP, Minister for Biodiversity, Landscape and Rural Affairs, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs,
Jon Rouse, Chief Executive, Housing Corporation, Steve Bundred, Chief Executive, Audit Commission, Sir Les Elton, Chair of the Elton Review, Tom Bloxham, Group Chairman and Co-Founder, Urban Splash, Lord Best OBE, Director, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Ed Mayo, Chief Executive, National Consumer Council and Chair of Tenant Involvement Commission, National Housing Federation, Sir Mathew Pincent CBE, Quadruple Olympic Gold Medallist Rower .
In the present circumstances, we do not believe that Mr. John Callcutt CBE, Chief Executive Officer of English Partnerships, should be afforded any opportunity to address conference.
We appreciate, from the National Housing Federation's website, that the Conference sets out to:
“assemble the experience and knowledge of our partners, stakeholders, and others from the public, voluntary and private sectors in a unique networking environment”
“help to build the capacity, confidence and independence of associations to achieve better results for their neighbourhoods and customers”
“enable you to participate in a programme that aims to create major change in the housing sector, which is integral to the iN business for neighbourhoods agenda and to influence opinion formers, government and regulatory agencies”
With these noble aims in mind, we kindly ask you again for your attention to the following public website at

We kindly remind you that Mr. John Callcutt has previously implied (by way of letter) that we should rely upon ‘housing association’ (or local council) accommodation. In effect, this would be to ‘correct’ his and his former organisations’ gross ‘mistakes’, in that between them, our Family remains - literally homeless! As advised earlier, we are not aware of any housing association policy of ‘picking up the mess’ of an individuals or house building/developers’ mistakes! Neither do we accept that the British tax-payer should provide for this bizarre situation.
Accordingly, we reiterate our belief that it would interest and perhaps benefit your membership to be aware of the ‘developer’ and home-builder whose organisation, we believe, has failed to ‘live-up-to’ the, ‘Business in the Community’, publicised operating ethos, of ‘Responsible Business Practice’, and/or, ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’. Under the Chairmanship of Mr. John Matthews, Crest Nicholson Plc has recently moved their head office operations to:- Crest Nicholson Plc, Crest House, Pyrcroft Road, Chertsey, Surrey, England. KT16 9GN.
In view of the above, we respectfully ask you to consider all implications of the matter in hand. With our five daughters, who knew no other ‘way of life’ than houseboat living, we would like to be able to move on with our lives. Being so devastated makes this impossible.
Perhaps you would also be kind enough to express any concerns with the Baroness Margaret Ford of Cunninghame, Chair of English Partnerships, who presently seem none too bothered in holding the appointment of John Callcutt CBE, as their Chief Executive Officer.
We again respectfully invite you and the National Housing Federation to support our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc. Please encourage Crest Plc via their Chair, Mr. John Matthews, to revisit this case based solely upon the record and merit.
We kindly inform you that this is an ‘open letter’ and if you should have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Marie Louise & Vincent Shalom
With our Daughters, Hannah, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah and Jessica
(Also evicted from the only home they ever knew)
National Housing Federation:
Lion Court
25 Procter Street
Telephone: 020 7067 1010
Fax: 020 7067 1011

FAMILY CAMPAIGN via the Website at Houseboat Eviction

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East London community demo against Crossrail 22 September 2006
20.09.2006 15:10
Written at 1500 Hrs GMT
Wednesday 20 September 2006
Khoodeelaar demo at 2.30 PM outside Brady Centre in hanbury Street
London E1
To Oppose Crossrail
To Oppose Big Business infiltrator and takeover bids of the East End
To say Stop the so-called social agents of Big Business masquerading as second tier service providers in collusion with the local Tower Hamlets Council
Birmingham city Council is doing exactly what Tower Hamkest Council has been doing and does.
The biggest Big Business bullies that have been lying for Crossrail hole to the community that they have targeted for harassment out of the local area are those behind the Crossrail hole plot.
They are more effective than one company. The Crossrail project has some of the most corrupt big business looters of public money behind it. They are waiting for the
Crossrail Bill to get passed into an Act so they can jump on the gravy train to pocket the maximum possible chunks of the £20 Billion plus public money they are lobbying to extract from the crisis ridden UK Treasury.
Is David Orr likely to be sympathetic against Corporate Bullies?
Hardly likely.
David Orr, and here is an excsls9ve revelation, has made a career for she3mdf by being involved in the movement to destroy housing access and rights of those in society who most needed the public provided access.
While it is understandable that the particular campaigner family has written to David Orr, it is very doubtful that Orr would show any significant let alone ethically sound solidarity with the campaigner family.
It is people like David Orr who have created the crisis in housing rights and have helped sabotage the public housing idea in the past two decades.
There is a need to expose these various sub-social ‘housing organisations’ and to expose their origins, their links with Big Business and to uncover their infiltration into areas like Hackney –which is where David Orr had been based in the 1980s when he was involved with one of the most active outfits that sabotaged key foundations and pillars of council housing in the inner cities.
AADHIKARonline in association with Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail