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I. D. Spare | 29.08.2006 01:03 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | Birmingham

Look at it! Look at it! Look at it! What? The map of Lebanon. 'They dump the old weapons and test the new weapons'...

The once beautiful Lebanon
The once beautiful Lebanon

Why, why, why?
They/we/us, did not bomb just the South, i.e. as the creeps at the B.B.C. et al try and tell you. They trashed the whole country from North to South, from West to East. Even worse, for the n'th time they trashed the atmosphere - your air, my air, Tony Blair's air, even your car's air. All of it poisoned, so get ready to die, with diabetes.
Study this map, get over the shock, don't be awed and take action. Spread the word amongst everyone you know. If they cannot engage in planetary affairs then maybe they deserve what they are getting - more-and-more Depleted Uranium, more-and-more taken out of their pay-packet to pay for bombs and weapons and more-and-more fake 'al-qaedaology' make believe terror plots. A lot more has been going amiss than previously advertised and more people need to wake up to it - this time it is YOU, me, them and every living thing on the front line of this war, and that is with every breath you breathe.
This really does go beyond treason, and it is time for people to take antimilitarism SERIOUSLY! Forget climate-change, forget the starving, forget the space programme, forget additives in sugar, forget bugs in bins, forget Big Brother!
Until we clean up the corruption that the arms-trade imposes on EVERY government and EVERY citizen there is just no point *whatsoever* in giving any of time of day to any of the other noble causes. Doing so is tantamount to treason, and cowards, paying taxes but unable to take the stand against the arms-trade deserve to be treated as traitors - silence kills!
It is time to wake up, snap out of the 9/11 bad movie idea and get back to the plot:
The first people to blame the events of 11 September 2001 on 'al-q*eda' were the same people that were opening an arms-trade fair, that very day in London's Docklands. Threats were made to that arms-trade fair by some of our own, calling themselves 'Disarm-DSEi', not 'al-bull-shit' or anything else. Yes, the governments had all their hands in it, but ultimately it was our own kind, from the anti-globalisation movement that kicked it all off, and gave our evil, twisted, arms-trade-corrupted governments their excuse for our World-War-4.
My friend, it is time to take a stand, to look at the evidence and to demand TRUTH. Forget the lame conspiracy theories, get over having been lied to and get back to common sense, evidence based explanations and analysis. You can start at the back with Lebanon or you can start at the front with the arms-trade fair and the lies first told by the 'aviation experts' just so that we could have war, instead of the vastly more preferable revolution and/or abolition of the arms-trade.
Your silence - that means you - offends me deeply. So long as you - that means you - stay stumm on the subject and refuse to pick up the ball, you are no brother of mine and deserve what is coming to you from your 'democratically' elected constitutional monarchy.
Thankyou for your time, lecture over - SPREAD THE WORD - or else!!!

I. D. Spare
