A chance to stock up on animal-friendly books, chocolates, cosmetics, toiletries and clothes and meet lots of other caring people. For the really well organised, it's an opportunity to get your compassionate Christmas cards and presents well in advance.
Stalls already booked include the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research, Animal Aid, Viva!, the Captive Animals` Protection Society and Farm Animal Rescue Sanctuaries. For a full list of stallholders, details of their organisations and what they`ll be selling on the day, go to

A full day of talks on the theme of Teaching Compassion, including vegetarianism, factory farming, vivisection and animals in sport and entertainment. We are very pleased to have two experienced school speakers from Animal Aid - Diane Smith, who is the Midlands Regional Education Officer and Kate Fowler, who will be speaking on the links between cruelty to animals and violence towards people. There will also be a talk on the work of the Dr Hadwen Trust to replace animals in the medical research and a speaker from the Captive Animal Protection Trust.
The talks will include videos and question and answer sessions. They will be suitable for all adults and teenagers interested in animal protection issues but will be particularly useful for teachers and schoolchildren covering these subjects in their studies (Food Technology, Citizenship, English, Religious Studies, Philosophy and Science). More & more schools are now requesting school talks from groups such as Animal Aid and this will be a great opportunity to gather plenty of information for school projects etc as there will be masses of free literature and lots of experts to talk to. The talks will also be very useful for Youth Workers or anyone wanting to know more about humane education. You are welcome to come for just one talk or stop for the whole day. For a full timetable/programme of talks, go to

ADMISSION FREE - all welcome
We are delighted that the event has the backing of several well known celebrities, who have supplied us with quotes and photographs to go on our website. These celebs include the poet Benjamin Zephaniah, John Feldmann of punk rock band Goldfinger and the top barrister Michael Mansfield. To see the quotes, go to

We would like to thank Shari, editor of Black Velvet Magazine (UK Independent Rock Zine) for her help in obtaining this celebrity support.

This event is not a big vegan festival, we are not encouraging vast numbers of dedicated vegans/campaigners to come and scoff all the food and enjoy the many attractions!! The idea is primarily to encourage people that have yet to switch to a compassionate way of living(particularly local students, teachers, youth workers etc), those that need a little educating about how we can live in harmony with all life forms on this planet, and we intend to attract many hundreds of them!!!
An event of this scale requires an awful lot of volunteers to make it a success! We already have the support of many people who have pledged to help in a wide variety of ways, but we still need more! We would like to hear from you if you could offer any time during the day. Perhaps you could help set up tables, hand out leaflets in the city centre, wear an animal costume, hand out vegan food samples outside the venue, help in the kitchen, take photos/video footage of the event, help on the stalls or clear away afterwards etc etc. If you can help in any way, even if only for half an hour, please contact us on

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