Activists stood up for the animals being tortured and murdered inside Sequani limited (see

Tuesday 15th August 2006
AF Hereford [Hereford Anarchist Federation] have produced a new local bulletin 'The Black Apple Press'. The first issue includes an article on police oppression against AR activists in the Hereford area.
Download the Black Apple Press news bulletin here>>

Thursday 17th August 2006
Both The Feathers Hotel and The Malthouse (

Thank you to all who contacted the above restaurants. A close eye will be kept on both premises over the coming year.
Other restaurants selling foie gras in the area:
The Verzon
Hereford Road
Tel: 01531 670381
Fax: 01531 670830

(The Verzon serves: Ballottine of foie gras)
Cottage In The Wood Hotel
Holywell Rd
Malvern Wells
WR14 4LG
Tel: 01684 575859
Fax: 01684 560662

(Cottage In The Wood Hotel serves: Roasted Wood Pigeon with a Gooseberry Tart Fine, Foie Gras and a Thyme and Madeira Sauce)
Please inform these restaurants of the disgusting methods used to produce foie gras asking them to permanently cease to serve this vile 'produce'.
Sample Letter:
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I understand that your restaurant serves 'foie gras' which is a cruel delicacy where geese and ducks are force fed up to three pounds of grain a day until their livers swell up to ten times their normal size becoming diseased then sold under the name foie gras.
A high percentage of these birds that live in factory farm conditions abroad cannot even stand up properly after being force fed these huge amounts of grain.
The practice of rearing geese and ducks for foie gras production is outlawed in the UK.
Please look into the cruelty involved in producing foie gras using the link below and remove it from your menu.
Delicacy of Despair:

Until you stop serving foie gras I will boycott your restaurant and encourage everyone I know to do the same.
I look forward to your reply on this issue.
Yours sincerly,
Thursday 17th August 2006
A lone activist was present outside Sequani limited this morning from 7.00am singing songs of compassion to workers that were entering the animal death camp to spend the day torturing and murdering animals whilst others in employment at sequani logged the pointless deaths of non-humans onto computers.
Thursday 17th August 2006
Activists displayed Stop Live Exports banners and posters outside the National sheep Association and National Beef Association's Headquarters in Malvern, Worcestershire.
Support from the passing public was as good as it always is at this location whilst the animal abusers in question (NSA/NBA) were named and shamed for supporting the disgusting and evil trade in live animal exports (

Worcester Animal Rights: