End Britain's Complicity in Israeli War Crimes
Assemble at 12 noon in Whitehall Place, between Withehall and Victoria Embankment, London.
National Demonstration called by Muslim organisations, Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Stop the War Coalition.
If you like to have a seat call Stan on 07956322383 or email

The coach will leave from Albert Street (a short street between Moor St and High St) in Birmingham city centre at 8:30 am.
Due to the serious turn of events in Palestine and Lebanon West Midlands Palestine Solidarity Campaign is supporting the call for the National Demonstration this Saturday. As a result we will be postponing the Die in event previously publicised until Saturday 29th July.
Other events where we are asking for support:
• This Friday 21st July we are doing leafleting in New St near Water Stones from 4pm to 6pm
• WM PSC is changing the ‘Die in’ of protest in Birmingham from 22 July to 29th July assembling at 1pm outside Waterstones on High Street (near the Bull Ring)
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