The event is being organised and supported by an alliance of Redditch grassroots green groups including Friends of the Earth, Freecycle, Trade Justice Network & Redditch Vegetarians & Vegans, each of whom will have a stall at the event. Other stalls will include Organic Solutions, an eco friendly shop that plans to open in the area very soon and a real nappy supplier.
We can all make a real difference to the future of the planet by making simple changes to our daily lives - including cutting down on waste, switching to a renewable energy supplier & buying eco friendly/fair trade products etc.
More and more people are wanting to live in harmony with the planet. Everything we do in life can potentially adversely effect our environment in some way. At this fair we aim to show how sustainable living is something we can all achieve.
This is the first time that Redditch has seen an event of this kind in the town centre. If it goes well, we plan to make it an annual event.
PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED - If there`s anyone out there that would be willing to take photos of the stalls, the banners, the crowds etc, please get in touch. We would like lots of good shots to help with future event promotion and to display on websites/newsletters etc.
Anyone who wants more details about the Green Fair should see the event website