highlights internet censorship and the cases of people imprisoned just for what they have written in emails or on websites. It also highlights the role of companies who have helped countries like China censor the web.
We’re asking people in the West Midlands to go to and sign our Pledge for internet freedom; send our e-postcard to the Chinese authorities calling for the release of Shi Tao – doing 10 years hard labour for sending an email – and show their support by putting our badge on their website or email.
The internet has become a new frontier in the struggle for human rights. A lot of has changed in 45 years – but some governments are still repressing their citizens, and Amnesty is still standing up against them.
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Example of Google colluding with internet repression
30.05.2006 19:58
First try googling Falun Gong, the spiritual/religious followers of Falun Gong have suffered intensely from Chinese state repression -
This link searches Google uk for Falun Gong:
Now try it from China's google pages:
Notice any differences?
don't let google own you!
Alternative to Google: Scroogle Scraper
16.06.2006 14:40
google doesn't own me