3-7pm FREE ENTRY, cheap vegan food, videos, leaflets and talks by Mel Broughton(from SPEAK http://www.speakcampaigns.org.uk/ ) and John Curtin.
8pm £4 ENTRY, four bands playing are Contempt http://www.contemptuk.com/ , Bastards Trained By
Bastards http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=39593557 ,
Eastfield http://www.eastfieldrailpunk.co.uk/ and Pog.
All details will soon be available on the Contempt homepage so people can see times and more details on there.
Also supported and promoted by West Midlands Animal Action http://www.geocities.com/wmids_animalaction/
All proceeds will go to the Vegan Prisoner Support Group http://www.vpsg.org/