Meet 12noon outside the National Sheep Association, The Sheep Centre, Malvern, Worcestershire. WR13 6PH. Demos will end at approx 4.00pm. Email:

Electronic actions leading up to Jill's Day 2006:
As we're now in the final week approaching Jill's Day 2006 (

The NBA are now gearing up for the trade in cattle as 'live export' to be resumed. This means our efforts to stop this from happening must be re-doubled! Here's a link to one of the pages on the NBA website titled 'A simple guide for live animal exporters':

Also read; 'Live exports restarting soon':

Below are all the contact details for the NSA/NBA to make your protest heard against this disgusting and evil money grabbing trade.
National Beef Association Head Office, Mart Centre, Tyne Green, Hexham, Northumberland. NE46 3SG. Tel: 01434 601005 Fax: 01434 601008 Email:

National Beef Association (Malvern Headquarters), The Firs, Blackmore Park Road , Malvern, Worcestershire. WR13 6PH. Tel: 01684 565442 Fax: 01684 573118 Email:

NBA National Chairman: Duff Burrell, Broome Park, Alnwick, Northumberland. NE66 2EQ. Tel: 01665 574344 Email:

National Sheep Association, The Sheep Centre, Malvern, Worcestershire. WR13 6PH Tel: 01684 892661 Fax: 01684 892663 Email: