It is hard for members of the gay community to fight the bigotry and intolerance in our society. It's evident that this is even harder for members of the ethnic community who have greater difficulty with acceptance due to religious and cultural pressures from the family.
It is therefore expected that the younger generations will help us pave the way for a fairer society, yet, even today we have unacceptable bigotry and hate against gay people eminating from the words of young Muslims who themselves see nothin wrong with enjoying pre-marital sex and a modern lifestyle, yet still promote a hatred a the LGBT community.
Below is an extract from UK columnist Adam Yosef in reference to same-sex unions or marriages, which have recently become illegal in the country. He is a Muslim journalist who writes for national weekly newspaper Desi Xpress which can be even picked up from mainstream stores like WH Smith. He also writes for the BBC. This kind of journalism is offensive and unacceptable and not only demonises the gay community but panders to ridiculous stereotypes.
He wrote:
" weddings... Gay people and committment? I don't think so... They'll be shagg*ng the neighbours before they even cut the cake. Bad idea I'm afraid. Great way of evading tax though..." - Desi Xpress, Issue 42, December 2005.
Please complain immediately expressing your outrage at such offensive remarks coming from a publication that markets itself to young Asians and Muslims in Britain. For a newspaper promoting sex, gossip and a non-traditional Asian lifestyle to criticise homosexual lifestyle is hypocritical and deeply disturbing. We need the Asian and Muslim community in Britain to accept LGBT lifestyle as part and parcel of a tolerant society. How can we do this if the next generation is being told otherwise?
Please complain to the following people. We cannot and must not remain silence. People will not be made aware or taught a lesson unless the public act. I shall keep you posted on our success. Demand an apology and retraction of the article.
Adam Yosef (Journalist):

Reena Combo (Editor, Desi Xpress):

Website: (Use the message boards and emails)
Asians in Media (Use the mesageboards):

Contact the Press Complaints Commission. Please read the journalists' Code of Practice here:

Press Complaints Commission,
1 Salisbury Square,
London, EC4Y 8JB
or email:

You may also contact the local newspapers for Birmingham, where the publication is based. Insist that they run a story airing the concerns of the LGBT community, who are under represented in the newspapers.
Birmingham Mail:

Birmingham Post:

Sunday Mercury:

Gay Publications:

The Pink Paper: Tris Reid Smith:

The Gay Times: Vicky Powell:

Diva: Jane Czyzselska:

Bent Magazine: Visit this page:

Copy and paste links if hyperlink does not work.
Remember, emails are dealt with much more swifty and letters more likely to be published if you include your name and address or geuine contact details.
Please email this on to other groups or friends.
Please do what you can, it is much appreciated. Thank you.
Gay Action Media Watch
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