Every once in a while I have to vent my frustrations of all the stupid shit that gets carried out in the name of god. Mind you, there are good things that get done in the name of god of any faith, but war profiteering is not one of them.
Download broadcast quality mp3 here:

Mindwalk 19: "Arrogance of Man" has Explicit Language. licensed broadcasters should air during Safe Harbor
TRT 29:30 128/44 stereo
CREDITS: The Gregorians, Audio ripped from Shock and Awe and Fallujah footage, Laurie Anderson, Public Enemy, Rev. norel pref, Marilyn Manson, Dave Riley, William S. Burroughs, Frenz
Also, I never posted last weeks ep.. completely spaced it for the UK indymedia.
Mindwalk #18: All Hands Working.
Some seriously "Difficult Listening". This weeks episode sorta jumps out around from the 2 Britts in Basara caught with explosives and detonators, to George Galloway speaking in Seattle, A report on the FEMA Blue Roof scam from Scooter. Jody Paulson, Jello Biafra, WSQT Gurilla Radio and other stuff.
Download broadcast quality mp3 here:

Mindwalk 18: "All Hands Working" has Explicit Language. licensed broadcasters should air during Safe Harbor
TRT 29:30 128/44 stereo
CREDITS: John Pilger, Jello and the Melvins, Jody Paulson, Rev. 99, Zapping the Empire's Lou Dobbs and clueless Senator, Scooter reporting on the Fema Blue Roof Scam on Laura Flanders of Air America, George Galloway in Seattle via Mike McCormic of Media Minutes, Aftro-Celt Sound System, WSQT Gurilla Radio, FDNY Emerald Pipes and Drums
Again, I had the honor of being a guest presenter for Scooter's "The Innerside" while he helps with relief work and construction in New Orleans
This Innerside#71 "Scooterbilt" is a compilation of my Scooter faves before I even knew who Scooter was. The "Strange Places" piece I must have been airing on
Upstart for a year or so before I made the connection. These Scooter mixes are heavy and poiniant so I strung a few together ala Mindwalk.
The Innerside 71 "Scooterbilt" is SAFE for licensed broadcasters.
Download broadcast quality mp3 here:

TRT 29:30 128/44 stereo
Credits: Strange Places mix a.k.a Haiti Kids, "We're not in Lake Wobegone any more" written by Garrison Keeler. A tribute to FRSC produced following the FCC
raid over one year ago. Dan Rather, Frank Zappa, Dahr Jamail & friends in a mix called "Torture". And a very powerful mix entitled "Liberated".
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