On Saturday 22nd October, a group who had been protesting outside the shop where the alleged attack took place earlier in the week, set up a meeting in a church in Lozells with members of the police and the local MP. Travel West Midlands buses were laid on for the participants to travel down from Perry Barr, and the passengers were surprised to find a large welcoming party when they reached their destination. A very large group of Pakistani young men were waiting at the Church where the meeting was held, and were outside to barrack the people leaving the meeting at the end. Various reports exist as to how many youths attended and were ready to attend, but were stopped. Some of the young men were thought to have come from outside Birmingham in an organised attempt to disrupt the meeting.
From this point forward the events would move on, leading to the tragic death of at least one young man. There were reports that large groups were chanting “Allah Akhbar” as they marched. This last fortnight has been a disturbing development that shows up the rift between people in some parts of the country and that young men are being taken advantage of by leaders using religion to mobilise people for their own fascist agenda.
The more communities mix together then the less often this sort of propaganda and rumour that has been all around this incident will be believed on both sides. The more they live in close proximity but in parallel worlds the more suspicion will thrive. In the short term, blame lies fairly equally spread around agitators on both sides who prefer tribalism to talking, but in the long term with the capitalist system that sets every human against each other.
I hope this can start some interesting debate.
*The 786 is based on numerology, something that most Muslim Scholars reject, and means ‘bismillah’- ‘In the name of god…’ or similar.
**Comments about the leaflet from a Mainstream Muslim group from the time it was originally published.
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serving ourselves and not some elite
28.10.2005 19:26
Of course, psy-ops can work with wheels-within-wheels, so that clearly phoney materials may have been intentionally designed that way for effect.
The comment about communities mixing is interesting. Did you know that Blair's NEW REICH actually encourages apartheid behaviour by swapping the the votes delivered by the so-called leaders of ethnic groups for support of their sickening dictatorial control of those they claim to lead. For example, in Birmingham this means that cinema chains are encouraged to prevent young asians from using the cinemas as romantic meeting places. As much as possible, a blind eye is turned to the worst aspects of arranged marriages. Beauty contests are ended by 'religious' decree with local council consent.
It is in our nature to integrate. It is the nature of ELITES to prevent this by creating and enforcing tribal identies that empower and enrich them. What occurs in the name of the NEW REICH's respect of differing cultural identity is NOTHING MORE than Blair and his goons trading favours with the ELITES of the various ethnic groups. Nobody despises integration more than these so-called ethnic leaders, because for them, integration is death.
Still, whats new? Normal people screwed for the benefit of a tiny minority. Channel 4 proper will presumably be showing "The Magdalene Sisters" soon, after its appearance on 4more. If you haven't seen this film yet, do yourself a favour and catch it. If you are white and christian (or something approaching this) it is easy to imagine the events in Lozells as "another country". The best way to 'get' the issue is by taking a culturally closer lesson. The story of the catholic elites, and their repulsive, inhuman, perverted, twisted, vile, and in every sense EVIL treatment of the vunerable amongst their own supporters is a lesson of extraordinary clarity. In any decent world, the catholic church would have been put down like a rabid dog. However, such evil NEVER loses power while it still has something to trade with other evil elites.
Remember those 'human batteries' in 'The Matrix' movie. Sci-fi fantasy, of course. However, if you are tribal in your mind because of so-called religion, or so-called ethnicity (or any other pathetic mindset like worshipping Bono), in reality YOU ARE SOMEONE ELSES BATTERY. You think in a way carefully implanted in you (usually from childhood) in order that your existence will directly benefit whichever ELITE 'represents' your group (and you also benefit any 'higher' elites that YOUR elites serve).
Do yourself a favour. Fundamentally Respect ONLY these Human hierarchies- 1) YOU, 2) your circle of family and friends, and 3) the Human Race. Any set of real spiritual values can be contained within these hierarchies alone. All other imposed groupings are either for convenience, or control.
leaflets condemned by mainstream muslim organisation in 1996!
28.10.2005 20:24
Muslims in Leicestershire are very concerned about racist leaflets, distributed in Leicester and other Midlands towns, inciting violence against black people. The leaflets claim to come from an organisation, calling itself Islamic Jihad - 786 and Khalifa - 786 and are of a virulently racist nature. Aadam Muhammed, who alerted Q-News to the leaflets said: "They are appearing outside mosques and are bad news for black Muslims. There has always been tension between Asian Muslims and black Muslims. Many Asians say that blacks convert to Islam to get Asian women but this is not true. I certainly did not convert to Islam to get Asian women" (Q-News, 30.08.96). A spokesperson for the Federation of Muslim Organisations Leicestershire said: "The contents of these publications are totally un-Islamic and we as Muslims find this abhorrent and totally unacceptable. As followers of Islam we are totally committed to live in peace and harmony with people of all races and religious affiliations." Inspector June Webster of the race and community relations unit said: "The publication and distribution of these leaflets is illegal under the Public Order Act, and we take the matter very seriously. We believe they have been published by an extremist group who want to stir up trouble for their own ends, and we are investigating" (Leicester Mercury, 20.08.96). [BMMS August 1996 Vol. IV, No. 8, p. 10]
incitement to unity
Cheers both
28.10.2005 21:01
Cheers to Twilight for the eloquent points, the stuff about cinemas is interesting... that's why cars are so popular.
Honourable mention also to the way that community organisations are funded, and how you have to tick certain boxes about your ethnicity to claim different pots of money... hence the 'New Communities' Refugee/AS groups are all in separate ethnic/national organisations, competing for the money!!
Also Cheers to t'other one for cutting and pasting the mainstream condemnation, s'pose I should have put it straight in there instead of just putting the link....
Brief mention before I go about drug gangs having some part to play (BBC Midlands Today).... the guys waiting outside the church and chucking the bricks weren't drug dealers... the drug dealers want things to chill so there ain't hundred of cops around (Later in the same edition of Midlands Today!!)...
So, go forth and spread peaceful and loving behaviour with you all this weekend!!