Also below, details of a horror novel dedicated to Jill, written by her mother Nancy.
Jill Phipps was crushed to death under the wheels of a cattle truck as she protested against the live export of baby veal calves at Coventry Airport, on February 1st 1995.
The film is available to whoever would like to show it. Donations are appreciated and all profits will be ploughed back into the movement. Why not order a copy today and show it at your next meeting or organise a special public screening in your town. A speaker is available for meetings & film showings, to talk about the film, Jill's life and the implications for the movement generally.
To order your copy, please write to the address below, enclosing a donation if possible(cheques payable to `Jill Phipps Fund`), or email us at

The film will also be available to download soon from

In comparison to the DVD, the download will be slightly lower quality.
Jill Phipps mother Nancy, who has also been an animal rights activist for many years, was challenged by Jill to write her a horror story. Nancy took the challenge and the result was `Mother Likes Making Dolls`, a spine chilling horror. Although the book was written many years ago, it has only recently been published and is dedicated to Jill.
The book is available from the same address below. It costs £6 plus £2 p&p. All proceeds from the sale of the book will be ploughed back into campaigns for animal rights.
Jill`s Day 2005
PO Box 3605,
Tel: 07771 953465