Training for people in developing countries and for emergency response teams:

Eliminate Hunger:

Waste not, Want Not:

Please support LOCAL Organic FAMILY farmers.

Rainwater Harvesting (collection):

Solar Water Purification:

organic Vegetable Diesel Fuel:

Wind Energy:

electric Bicycles and electric Vehicles:

solar Medical Equipment and solar Hospitals:

solar Refrigerators for vaccines and medicines:

Indestructible and energy efficient buildings:

Solar Water Desalination:

Solar water heaters:

Solar Water Pumps:

Free Journal about Solar Energy, Sustainable Techologies:

Solar Cookers and Solar Ovens:

Dangerous pollution from Bio-Gas cookers:

Solar Oil Cookers/Ovens and Solar Sterling Motors:

Solar Dish Stirling Engines

Houses from the Earth:

Ocean Energy, Tidal Energy and River Energy:

Solar Energy:

Micro-Hydro energy:

Tours of Solar Homes and Solar Buildings:

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Stützbare Technologie - Deutsch(German):

Resource list: Sustainable Techonologies - contacts and links:

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