"Reclaim the Streets - Birmingham, UK. An organised street party erupts during the G8 summit." April 1997 (20mb/5'28min)

Reclaim the Streets - the film!
"May 1995, London, England. A small group of people decide to organise an illegal street party in Camden, a part of the city renowned for its consumerism and incessant traffic. The final location is kept secret, because they know that the state and business will not be amused. Reclaim the Streets! is born, a cocktail of raging love, revolutionary carnival, art and anarchy. Since then, clandestine street parties have erupted all over the world. From Hull to Sidney, Lyon to Tel Aviv, Vancouver to Valencia, people are taking back their streets. And this is only beginning."
Download the Reclaim the Streets film here - it's got footage of the Birmingham G7 street party.

792.75 Mb mpeg

"The general public still don’t know what street parties are about. As reported in the Birmingham press the G8 event was put on by sinister anarchists who hate cars and like trouble – end of story. Most ‘normal’ people either don’t know street parties exist or are alienated by a crowd of dodgy looking characters swigging cans in the middle of the day in the middle of a road. Smaller, local street parties show that it doesn’t always have to be that way – we need to do more than just perpetuate our exciting sub-culture."
pictures of the street party available here:

See you in Scotland...