"No one is illegal"
7.30 Thursday, June 10th, Decoy, 22 Green St, Digbeth (opposite Custard Factory, behind Peugeot dealership)

Suggested donation: £4 / £2 (no one turned away for lack of funds)
Any profits will be given to B-MAG's Asylum Seekers' Destitution Fund.

B-MAG's Asylum-seekers’ Destitution Fund was established in 2003 to assist the increasing numbers of asylum-seekers in and around Birmingham whose support and accommodation from the National Asylum Support Service (NASS) have been terminated, or who otherwise become destitute.
Please help us promote the event by printing out the attached pdf file
• No Border Action
No Border Action 27.07.03 Bari, Centro di permanenza Temporane by No Border Bari, Italy. At the end of the No Border camp that was held in Frassanito, Puglia, there was an action at the Detention Camp in Bari. Few migrants gain their freedom from the camp.

• Soup Kitchen / Real2Reel short film about a protest in London at the introduction of changes to Asylum law in January 2003

• IOM The Film / Gina Bremen 2003, 30mins
Tackling the International Organisation of Migration - They spy on migrants, migrant networks and NGOs. They report back to the EU and US and recommend action. Wherever migration occurs, new border regimes are erected and new technologies introduced under the hospice of the IOM. They recommend migration hostile policies, they sell the latest control technology, they train police officers and border troops to combat migration, they plan and build control posts and detention camps.
• Woomera Breakout / Ska TV 2002, 30 mins
Easter 2002, activists from around Australia converged upon Woomera Detention Centre to protest the federal government's mandatory detention of refugees. Activists coordinated with the detainees' protests from within the detention centre resulting in the mass break out of 50 refugees.
• Escape From Woomera / Short Trailer of a documentary computer game in development
Woomera, the most publicised of the Australian detention camps, was closed down in April 2003. But many remain or are being replaced by 'improved' security camps. This Half-Life mod is near to public release, and highlights the horrendous conditions of illegal immigrants and camp detainers in the growing documentary game genre.

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