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Leeds Bradford Anti-militarism Newswire Archive

BAE Systems - Coming To A Hotel Near You?!

31-05-2007 23:08

BAE Systems, the infamous arms dealers, are holding a number of recruitment events in the UK. This company is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people bombed, shot and murdered across the globe

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4th of July 2007 - USAF - Menwith Hill Demonstration

31-05-2007 16:00

4th of July 2007 - USAF - Menwith Hill Demonstration
Annual 'Independence FROM America' demonstration

Wednesday 4 July 2007 - 12 noon - 5pm

Speakers -
Mark Steel - comedian and socialist columist
Anas Alkitriki - spokesman - British Muslim Initiative
and apppearance of a special guest


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Bradford Group Prepares for Anti-Faslane Strident Action

24-05-2007 23:53

Bradford University Students held a Super Strident Sleepover this thursday to prepare for the upcoming 'Students Against Trident' (Strident) event which is occuring late this june.


Let's enlist Her Majesty The Queen to help Huddersfield Stop The War!

21-05-2007 23:49

The Queen is visiting Huddersfield this Thursday, 24th May. Our attendance could provide a show of support for her to speak out against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Gordon Brown's visit to Manchester

17-05-2007 21:36

On 16th May 2007, Gordon Brown visited Manchester . “With the kind support of The Co-operative Group, the Labour Party hosted an exclusive opportunity for North West Labour and Co-operative Party members to meet Rt Hon Gordon Brown MP and discuss with him his aspirations to lead our country.”

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Students to plan anti-Trident action in Bradford

15-05-2007 19:36

On Thursday 24th May Anti-Trident protestors old and new, students and non-students will join togehter to enjoy an eveing of preparations and fun in Bradford.


Students stick together for peace

23-03-2007 09:25

This morning Bradford students took part in one of the most daring and creative acts of civil disobedience ever seen at Faslane Naval base. Ten of them superglued themselves together outside the North Gate whilst another four chained themselves together outside the South Gate, effectively shutting the base.

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Removing a lock-on

22-03-2007 01:42

Start by reviewing the situation (take as long as you like :)
Photos of the removal of the successful blockade of Faslane on Monday

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In The Navy!

19-03-2007 15:49

Today the Royal Navy visited the University of Bradford. Publicity for the event was terrible, and in fact - the only poster we saw after touring the entire campus was placed outside the meeting room a bunch of activists were meeting in. And not just any activists, but a bunch of activists who were discussing anti-trident actions.


Tyneside Action Report: No More Blood for Oil, Troops Out of Iraq

18-03-2007 20:18

On Saturday 17th March supporters of the RCG (Revolutionary Communist Group), its newspaper Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! and other assorted activists held a protest outside the Shell petrol station in Byker to mark the approaching 4th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq, and to draw attention to Britain's economic interests which lie behind the continuing occupation.

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Bradford Anti-Trident Rally

15-03-2007 00:04

An anti-Trident rally was held in Bradford to call for politicians to vote against the replacement of Trident.

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Martin Luther King “One death is one death too many!”

06-01-2007 23:39

Dr King has been reduced to the syrupy sweet of the Hallmark cards genre where he is no longer prophetic.

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What to do with a 'gift' from the US government

31-12-2006 12:49

Lowered US flag at USAF Croughton in 2000, not theft, wrote to US Ambassador requesting appointment to return and discuss presence of US Visiting Forces etc each year, December - given the flag..........what to do now!


memorial service for son of Anni rainbow

20-11-2006 18:15

the strain shows on army Commanders faces
Corporal Matthew Cornish 29 of the first battalion of the light infantry was killed by a mortar shell which landed on his base at the old state building in Basra, his memorial was held at leeds parish church at 10.30am sunday.

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Blair on Tyneside

18-11-2006 21:18

its not wor war North Shields
Blair seems to be doing his goodbye to u suckers tour of the Uk incorporated into the 100th anniversary of the Labour Party's foundation celebrations. Check your local party contacts for upcoming anniversary do's and help keep him movin on.

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Bradford Priest Arrested at Nuclear Blockade

16-11-2006 13:07

Over 50 Anti Nuclear protestors from Leeds and Bradford took part in a mass blockade of the Faslane Nuclear Naval Base in Scotland this morning. Twenty seven of the protestors, including the Revd Chris Howson from Bradford were arrested for their role in the blockade, which included 'locking on' to a giant CND symbol outside the main gates of the base.

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divided but not conquered

09-11-2006 08:58

the good protester bad protester dichotomy is a view largely put forth by the media's portrayal of us. they are wrong of course....

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Stop the War's People's Assembly: Islamophobia and the war on terror

03-11-2006 20:19

The People's Assembly aims to bring people together to discuss the relationship between Islamophobia and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and to organise our campaign in response to war and racism.

We are asking peace and anti-war groups, trade unions, faith groups and organisations, community groups, political parties and any other representative organisations to send delegates to this important meeting. We also welcome individuals as observers.

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Ethnic Cleansing of Jerusalem

23-10-2006 20:51

Hani's sons on rubble of former home
Israeli controled Jerusalem municipality is demolishing Palestinian homes to mke way for a park.

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MENWITH HILL Worker Bus Info

19-10-2006 03:51

Menwith hill is the controversial US army base located between Harrogate and Skipton.