Her campaign website proclaims the above, but what does it mean? ‘Nancy isn’t just another professional politician trying to make a name for herself,’ oh no, she’s a special type of professional politician trying to make a name for herself.
She’s one of those professional politicians who will never give up trying to win an election. No doubt once she loses the 2015 election to another maverick new-comer like Caroline Lucas, Nancy Platts will more her family up to a safer Labour seat in Doncaster for example.
She has proper work experience.
Unlike the Conservative Party who no longer try to hide their private school/millionaire background, the Labour Party are winning the voters over by assuring them that even their ‘Professional Politicians’ have held down proper jobs like the rest of the population. Nancy Platts boasts that she left school at 18 and went straight into work. Proper work from 9-5. Proper work from Monday to Friday and even weekends. Proper work that paid above the minimum wage and which had Christmas parties too.
Nancy Platts wants to make a difference.
As with every politician of their worth and as with every person of moral fibre, Nancy Platts wants to make a difference too. Though Nancy Platts doesn’t want to just make any old difference. She wants to make a special type of difference.
Here are her achievements to date:
1. Campaigned successfully for a SureStart children’s centre in every community.
2. Worked for the patients and families at Breakthrough Breast Cancer, Asthma UK and Diabetes UK.
3. Fighting the £30 cuts million locally that Conservative MP Simon Kirby voted for in parliament.
4. Ran the campaign with local firefighters and the community to save Brighton Fire Station.
5. Campaigned for the AMEX stadium.
6. Campaigned for the South Downs National Park.
Nancy likes to work hard and get her hands dirty.
Though with a condition attached that she only gets her hands dirty when it comes to the things that matter! Whether that means getting her hands dirty washing up or shuffling paper work is yet to be seen.
On thing is for certain though, Nancy Platts has:
1. Real world experience.
2. She’s worked in normal jobs.
3. Everyday experience of life.
Thank Heavens for that…
Nancy Platts ignores Corruption.
Mark Tyler from Moulsecoomb Brighton sent Nancy Platts an email in response to her leaflet being dropped through his letter box, on which Nancy Platts asked him to Please Get in Touch.
He did so and asked this question, to which he never got an answer:
Subject: Police corruption?
From: Mark Tyler on 18/09/2013

Hi Nancy,
I live in Moulsecoomb and have your election leaflet beside me, thanks. Its good to see you and your team out and about campaigning so early. I’ve been checking out the other candidates and have come across an independent called Matthew Taylor campaigning against police corruption. I’ve checked out his site and he may have a point. What’s your stance on corruption? Do you believe Sussex police are corrupt? And if it is what will you do about it if elected? I’m really interested on what you think about this. I don’t want to see the Tories win for obvious reasons, but I am worried about corruption in the police force especially after the Jimmy Savile and Cyril Smith scandals.
I look forward to hearing back. You have my full support. Go for it.
Many thanks,
A concerned voter
Nancy Platts has duly lost Mark Tyler’s Support.
A Channel Four Dispatches programme on the paedophile MP Cyril Smith revealed that the Labour party conspired to coverup the sexual crimes of Liberal Democrat Cyril Smith to ensure they never lost an important by-election.
Typical of all professional politicians to ignore their constituent’s concerns about corruption and malfeasance of office.
Nancy Platts looks Jacqui Smith, Labour’s Home Sectary.
I could imagine a scenario which goes something like this:
Nancy Platts wins Brighton Kemptown, while Labour and Liberals Democrats form a coalition government to seize power from the Conservatives in London.
Within two years Nancy Platts is made Home Secretary, labelled as one of Ed’s Specials.
Two years later Nancy Platts resigns in shame after a corruption scandal in her constituency blows wide open, revealing her part in a criminal coverup of a murdered Brighton girl.
Eights year after serving a jail sentence, Nancy Platts publishes her a tale-all-book in which she admits “not having a clue” what she was doing while in power.
The words “should have been given some proper training” echoes down through the sands of time.