Class Wargames is dedicated to:
* putting on participatory performances of Guy Debord’s
The Game of War
* investigating gaming as a metaphor for social relations under repressive
* celebrating the craft skills of gamers as artistic expression
* creating a social space where radicals can meet & play with each other
* re-enacting the proletarian struggles of the past in ludic form
* training the militants of the cybernetic communist revolution to come.
Come along to listen take part or just have a quiet drink at the bar.
Sunday 24th March
Cowley Club
12 London Road
Brighton BN1 4JA
Free Entry (although a donation would be appreciated)
"So I have studied the logic of war. Indeed I succeeded long ago in representing its essential movements on a rather simple game-board... I played this game, and in the often difficult conduct of my life drew a few lessons from it - setting rules for my life, and abiding by them. The surprises vouchsafed by this Kriegspiel of mine seem endless; I rather fear it may turn out to be the only one of my works to which people will venture to accord any value. As to whether I have made good use of its lessons, I shall leave that for others to judge." - Guy Debord