The entire project will be an experiment in environmental repair, restoration, and regeneration, to set an example to the whole world of how it will be possible to combat global warming and stop Mother Earth from becoming uninhabitable.
There will be a very FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE at the Extinction Eco-Village where everyone will be able to relax and chill out together while welcoming newcomers, providing them with necessary resources, and helping to establish them on the front lines of the protest to save humanity from being driven to extinction by the burning of fossil fuels.
The EARTH FAIR will be held on the weekends and there will be direct action workshops, family-friendly entertainment, lots of healthy food, and a second hand market for local people to buy, sell, or exchange their unwanted goods as part of the CONSUMER REVOLT to educate the public to recycle and reuse everything instead of buying new goods from the shops.
All the different environmental groups, organisations, churches, and charities will be able to participate free of charge to help with their own fundraising activities and to promote their own issues and causes and to recruit new members.
The Extinction Eco-Village will also be known as EVERYBODY'S and it is designed to influence the course of destiny.
The theme of the Extinction Eco-Village will be the creation of the WORLD REVOLUTION to combat global warming and climate change by causing an historic TRANSFORMATION of the entire global capitalist political and economic system with a new alternative system based on environmentalism, localisation, and environmental economics.
Scientists and environmentalists will work together with the eco-warriors and concerned local residents to help educate the public about genuine practical solutions to global warming and to put them into practice in the towns and villages in East Sussex that will be directly affected by all the poisonous pollution if the new Bexhill to Hastings link road goes ahead.
Our ultimate goal will be to inspire and motivate local people in every town and village and city on the earth to take control of their own local affairs in their own local communities and to work together to save the human race.
The Extinction Eco-Village will last for AS LONG AS IT TAKES to stop the road and start the REVOLUTION!
The eco-warriors are planning to try to PERFORM A MIRACLE in the Bexhill and Hastings area of East Sussex with our LOAVES AND FISHES vision of a brave new world living by the principles of the Utopian Ideal where everyone has whatever they need to survive, and the earth becomes sustainable and habitable for future generations to also survive.
The Working Class Heroes would like to transform the entire region from a traditional greedy capitalist society to an alternative caring community where everyone shares with each other and looks forward to a brighter future for all humanity.
The resources of the Working Class Heroes are practical things like tow trucks, welding equipment, tools and recycled computers which we use and which we share with other activists who also share their own resources with us.
You can ask us for anything we've got and we will share whatever we have with you.
Imagine all the people sharing all the world...
The Working Class Heroes have worked very closely for many years in association with the homeless charity WORLD PEACE BUILDERS that was founded by our dear departed friend Rosie the Rave Granny during the 1960s who inspired an entire generation of young people with her boundless energy, enthusiasm, and zest for life.
Charity number 803200.
Charitable objects:
(1) To relieve young persons between the ages of sixteen and thirty years who are in necessitous circumstances, particularly such persons who are homeless or threatened with homelessness, by assisting them to find accommodation and employment suitable to their needs and by providing or assisting in providing emergency accommodation for such persons.
(2) To advance the education of such persons, particularly in arts and crafts, and to provide them with facilities for recreation and leisure-time occupation in the interests of social welfare and with the object of developing their mental, physical and spiritual capacities that they may grow to full maturity both as individuals and as responsible members of society and that their conditions of life may be improved.
As John Lennon sang all those years ago: COME TOGETHER, join the movement, take a stand for human rights.
War on Waste, K Ring Technologies, Elite Events, World Peace Builders (Charity number 803200).
The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign and the Church of All Worlds. (Spiritual philanthropy).
Free environmental help and advice service 24 hours a day.
Phone 07883242168 (UK).

“Can You Save the Human Race?” - A master plan, instruction manual, and strategy for the survival of humanity.
Everyone is welcome to download the complete 14,000 page report free from: