In the woefully inadequate Dispatches documentary last year we were privileged to see a hungover and rueful Mr Tommy waking up in the spare room after a night on the piss throwing rocks at plod and making ‘jokes’ about Norwegian psycho Anders Britvic (which he later denied in his usual cowardly manner and claimed that he was doing ‘a frog impression’ - which we all believed). Mrs Tommy had banned him from the boudoir because of his inadequate ‘bedroom acrobatics’ and the fact that he prefers to spend time with Kousin Kev Karol and the EDL ‘lads’ rather than getting a proper job, looking after his children and acting like a proper grown up man person. She has now booted him out of the house and he is currently living with his cousin in a caravan behind Sainsbury’s.
There is also a rumour, recently made up by me, that after his New York speech Mr Tommy was so overwrought by his own words that he was seen in the toilets crying. Kousin Kev Karol was luckily on hand and calmed him down with some duty-free Kola Kubes. Mr Tommy also bottled it over his claim to be screening that tedious Innocence of Muslims film. However, as it was such an obvious publicity stunt for his rapidly diminishing EDL outfit and the small fact that people have actually been killed over it – admittedly by eejit extremists who are as deluded and stupid as Mr Tommy – he gradually realised that this was as helpful as all the pro-Anders Britvic comments on the EDL Facebook pages and withdrew his statement quick as! This is technically a ‘surrender’ and typical of his usual bluster, blether and bollocks.
Mr Tommy is still determined to go back to Walthamstow to revenge the previous ‘victory’ march which even Nick Griffclops of the BNP thinks is a shit idea. It seems that Mr Tommy is deliberately driving the violent EDL into a wall and wants rid of it now that he is an international statesman who was given the made up Onanist Fellatio Award at the weekend. Mr Griffclops said that Mr Tommy was both ‘a big girls blouse’ and ‘tactically inept’ and Griffclops is desperately trying to ponce the great many disillusioned EDL members for his own rapidly diminishing BNP. For they have left in droves after Walthamstow not least the EDL’s gifted public speaker known as ‘Tony Curtis’ who was very miffed indeed over not being allowed to go to America with the big boys. Mr Tony has left the EDL to form the New Patriots Alliance and is calling for far-right unity - as indeed are the Infidell-Ends, Combined Ex-Popsicles, Casuals Untied and many other splinter factions who all jealously guard their minions, have made up titles and no intention of uniting with anything apart from a case of Stella and a jazz mag.
Meanwhile, the National Front held a massive demo of 20 Nazis in Skegness at the weekend complaining about Halal slaughter whilst pretending to be non-racist vegans. The ageing Richard Edmonds was also allowed out for the day but spent most of it on a bench in the park where plod had forced the NF out of earshot of decent people. This was yet another humiliation for the delusional fuck-bugles of the NF after polling a massive 26 votes in the Burnley by-election. It is good to see the saggy and rather sad NF going from strength to strength! This was only slightly worse than the BNP’s vote count which came it an impressive 95! According to Nazi pin-up Kate McDermody alias Mrs Kev Watmough ‘the BNP held their own really on paper.’ Don’t worry Kate, the ambulance is on its way! Mr Griffclops has also launched his rejuvenating 12 Step Plan for the BNP which we print in full:
“Step 1: One Step Forward!
Step 2: Two Steps Back!
Step 3: Err, that’s it. If you want to meet for a curry, I’m in the car-park. Trousers optional.”
We’ll get back to you on that one when it all goes horribly wrong.
Be Seeing You!
Hide the following 21 comments
Islamic extremism is a very real threat!
17.09.2012 10:54
stop Islamic extremism
to the eejit above
17.09.2012 11:00
@stop Islamic extremism
17.09.2012 13:31
eejit above!
17.09.2012 13:37
eejit above again
17.09.2012 14:29
stop Islamic extremism
17.09.2012 14:31
no threat
17.09.2012 15:45
@Malatesta - who was it throwing missiles in Walthemstow?
17.09.2012 16:12
Whoever resorts to violence loses the argument!
Impartial observer
boo hoo
17.09.2012 16:16
@Impartial observer
17.09.2012 16:21
Impartial Observer
17.09.2012 16:30
we won! we got a picture up!
17.09.2012 17:53
Missiles in Walthamstow?
17.09.2012 22:38
Presumably not knowing that the main EDL group had already started the trouble, the 2nd (even tinier) EDL group, who were separated from the main group and waiting for them at another location, had the cheek to whine bitterly about being on the receiving end of exactly one half brick, 2 bits of wood and 3 or 4 bottles (some of them plastic), none of which hit anyone and all of which produced zero injuries.
To be honest, when the EDL march down a street accusing passers-by of being paedophiles, what the fuck do they expect? Either way, no-one was hurt, and I'd say it was the EDL supporters' Nazi tattoos and Nazi salutes which proved the point and lost the argument
What gives so called anti-fascists the right to break the law?
18.09.2012 11:20
It is illegal to throw bottles and rocks in the street at anytime! What gives you people to right to break the law? The EDL will be back in Walthemstow in massive numbers on October the 27th!
So called anti-fascists are the real fascists!
18.09.2012 11:32
18.09.2012 11:45
Rioters will be jailed
@rioters will be jailed
18.09.2012 12:01
so what
re: Rioters will be jailed
18.09.2012 13:48
What gives anti-fascists the right to throw stuff?
18.09.2012 19:51
Rioters will be jailed?
18.09.2012 19:52
Eagerly awaiting the next public show of 'english defence'...booked their car park/police protection for West Ham yet?
eejit above again
18.09.2012 21:30