House of Commons
London SW1A 0AA
For the attention of John Lyon CB - Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
From Mr. David. Neilson
318. B South Coast Road.
East Sussex
BN10 7EL
07594151731 e-mail

Date 14/08/2012
Dear Sir or Madam.
I am placing these complaints before you concerning my Member of Parliament Simon Kirby member for Brighton Kemptown Sussex. As my new M.P. contacted him over my complaints. (note he has refused to met me) I received what can only be called the run around by him when I asked him to take farther action he said he had done all that he could?
All of these allegations I can prove and some of these have been proven in a civil legal action. I have documentation and audio tapes. I can make a full statement over all of these matters. But because of the stress I have been diagnosed with P.T.S.D which has turned into Fibromyalgia I will require assistants from yourselves as I am now disabled.
Simon Kirby mp knows that Sussex Police will not let me report crimes and the cover up of these crimes have deprived me of my basic human-rights.
I was the member of the public who solved the murder of Katrina Taylor in Brighton after Senior Sussex Police Officers removed materiel concerning the murder. Also I had amassed materiel relating to other crimes which where covered up by Sussex Police. Simon Kirby mp is fully aware that I have been a victim of witness intimidation by Sussex Police and did not receive my rights under the criminal justice act 1988 as a witness of a crime.
If Simon Kirby mp has nothing to hide all he had to do was ask me to make a complaint against the Chief Constable of Sussex. Which means that another Chief Constable has to investigate my complaints. We are talking about the killers of Katrina Taylor walking the streets. Plus removal of major evidence by Sussex Police.
1. Malfeasance in public office using his powers and public trust placed in him as a Member of Parliament to cover up murder- attempted murder -major –crimes-corruption.
2. Accessory to witness intimidation by Sussex Police (witness being myself)
3. Failure of duty as a Member of Parliament to see that his constituents receive their legal rights as laid down by and their rights under the human-rights act.
4. Criminal intent to depriving a citizen of their human-rights and legal rights
5. Accessory to witness intimidation by Sussex Police (witness being myself)
6. Involvement in and covering up Sussex Police and Sussex Police Authority Corruption.
7. Criminal conspiracy with other persons to cover up for the killers of Katrina Taylor and Mark Slade,s aka Marcel Sulc criminal activates.
8. Criminal conspiracy with members of Lewes District Council to cover up for Norman Bakers MP involvement in corruption.
9. Criminal conspiracy with other persons to cover up all crimes surrounding 318 South Coast Road Peacehaven BN10 7EL.
Please Note I have read the complaints guide
15. Remember that allegations of misconduct against anyone in public life are serious.
16. When making a complaint, you are not protected from legal action (for example, for
defamation of character) unless and until the Commissioner decides that your complaint
is appropriate for inquiry. Even then, parliamentary privilege will protect only the
material you submit to the Commissioner. It will not protect anything you may say to the press (for example).
Yours faithfully
Mr. David. Neilson
To the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards
1 Document
When this document was sent to Simon Kirby MP asking for him to demand Sussex Police Authority supply these documents.
This is when he said he could do no more for me
As you can see my solicitor did a lot of work funded by Legal Aid.
But this solicitor and all other solicitors have been scared off by who I do not know. Sussex Police Authority did not reply to this letter
The head of:
Sussex Police Authority
County Hall
St Anne's Crescent
East Sussex
Dear Sir or Madam
Re: Mr. David, Paddy, Nicholas, Neilsons’ letter of complaint
Please note that we act for Mr. David. Paddy, Nicholas, Neilson who has sent in a written series of serious complaints based on the following:
1. Misfeasance in public office. This letter is sent in accordance with the prevailing personal injury protocol (as there has been no progress in establishing a specific protocol for actions against the police). We will allow three months for your solicitors to carry out their enquiries and in the absence of any satisfactory offer of settlement proceedings will be commenced immediately at the expiry of three months from the date of this letter. Those proceedings will include, inter alia claims for costs and if our client is successful the terms of this letter of claim may be referred to the court in support of an application for costs on an indemnity basis. The details of the claim are as follows:-
1) Our client’s full name, David, Paddy, Nicholas, Neilson. Date of birth 05/09/1946 and national insurance number YB219122C
2) Our client was the member of the public whose own investigation led him to believe, that a Mr. Simon Williams was involved in the murder of Katrina Taylor, in a Brighton Graveyard, on the 4 July 1996. He kept ‘in depth’ notes on Simon Williams unusual actions the day after the murder and other unusual activities on that day.
2a) On the 10 of July 1996 after the murder, Mr. Neilson contacted the incident room. His call was fielded by Officer O'Donnell, to whom he gave Simon Williams white Renault 5 car registration number - C744 RYJ. Officer O'Donnell confirmed that this was the vehicle they where looking for. This call Mr. Neilson taped
Mr. Neilson asked if they had found the murder weapon and Officer O'Donnell confirmed they had not. Officer O’Donnell and an Officer Pollard came out to Peacehaven at approx 1.15 pm to interview Mr. Neilson. After a short interview they called in a search team.
3 Mr. Neilson then guided the search team and going over the movements of Simon Williams and his unusual actions on the day after the murder. With Mr Neilsons help they quickly found the murder weapon in a drain that Mr Neilson had seen Simon Williams sitting by outside of 318 South Coast Road Peacehaven. It was a kitchen knife, which was confirmed as being the weapon that killed Katrina Taylor. It was noted that the tip of the blade missing.
At this point Mr. Neilson gave a limited statement.
3a) Later Mr. Neilson helped the search team, having extensive local knowledge of the terrain, as to the whereabouts of a bag that Simon Williams was seen carrying out of the flat, as part of his unusual actions that day.
The leader of the search team told Mr. Neilson if they had not found this knife by 1700 hours that day all four persons that were being held in custody would be released.
3a) At no time was Mr Neilson asked as to why he believed that Simon Williams was possibly involved in Katrina Taylor’s murder.
4) Within days Sussex Police become aggressive towards my client and what seems to have been an organized campaign to cause maximum mental distress. Threats where made against him, also, his girlfriend, including the threat of an armed response team’ where, and he quotes; I was told we could turn up with an armed response team and "you could be shot”. He was told not to appear at the trial. Threats continued for nearly a year prior to the trial.
4a) Mr Neilson wrote to the then Chief Constable Paul Whitehouse and other Senior Officers over all of these matters and received no response.
5) Mr. Neilson also had threats from Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc who was involved in criminal actives with Lewes District Council Officers John Crawford C. Knight R. Harries .
(Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc) gang who were using the flat above him flat 318 South Coast rd. Peacehaven East Sussex for all types of credit fraud, drugs. Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc openly boasts of having a string of criminal convictions, which included blackmail, deception, actual bodily harm, firearms, burglary, and drugs. Simon Williams worked for this man as the ‘pick up man’ Signing to goods that were delivered to the flat and answering the phone. Sussex Police did nothing about the of Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc criminal actives, which carried on even after the murder.
6) Sussex Police dismissed without investigation these criminal activities by Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc even after the murder having been reported to the Police prior to the murder. No action or enquiry was made, which is unfathomable, considering the seriousness of events surrounding the building.
6a) When information reached Mr Neilson of the fraud on advice contacted in May 1996 P.C. Chris Hastings of Police Intelligence at John Street Police Station, Brighton. Over Mark Slade/ Marcel Sulc at this time P.C. Chris Hastings was very interested in what was going on and ask Mr Neilsons to pass him any information on the coming and goings at the top flat which Mr Neilson did.
6b) We require a copy of the file and report that P.C. Chris Hastings made over the information that Mr. Neilson gave to him. Plus times and Dates of contact with Mr Neilson.
6c) We require a copy of the file that Sussex Police hold on Mark Slade/ Marcel Sulc
6d) Mr Neilson who is the official spokesperson for Mrs Kath Taylor claims that Sussex Polices cover of the criminal actives of Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc that Sussex Police are fully reasonable for the murder of Katrina Taylor
7) Vital Evidence was removed by Sussex Police.
The day after murder. Simon Williams made repeated calls from the top flat 18 South Coast rd Peacehaven he made were covered up by Sussex Police. It can be proved that British Telecom had a record of all the calls made from the top flat but they were removed from BT along with Mr. Neilson’s telephone records.
7a) On Saturday May 18th 1996 a phone was being connected to the upstairs flat. Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc waited upstairs all day for BT to turn up. Eventually they arrived and the number connected was 01273.589581 which were subsequently ‘cut off’ in the September of 1996.
8) Mr. Neilson reported the fraud taking place in the upstairs flat, to Sussex Police Intelligent, s Officer, Chris Hastings in May of 1996 only to be threatened by them and who subsequently covered the crime up without any investigation of this heinous activity.( this verbal attack on Mr Neilson was recoured )
Mr. Neilson taped all contacts with P.C. Chris Hastings please note when no action was being taken P.C. Chris Hastings told Mr. Neilson that he believed masons where doing the cover up. This Tape is available
Mr Nielson took his case to Sussex Police Professional Standards Department who were also instrumental in covering up these crimes.
8A) We will produce in court a list of companies defrauded by the activities in the top flat of 318,South coast Road, documents and witnesses to the fraud, along with audio tapes of the fraud. Sussex Police Officers covering irrefutable evidence and documentation of false identities being set up for convicted criminals to work as security guards for one of Mark Slade, s /Marcel Sulc’s many Security firms. Sussex Police just turned a ‘blind eye’ to this crime and many others involving Mark Slade/Marcel Sulc.
9) REMOVED As I believe that my client would be in extreme danger if the content is make public at this time.
10) Mr. Neilson was never offered witness protection. Victim Support or counselling.
10a) After the murder he was attacked inside his flat by members of Mark Slade,s/Marcel Sulc gang, associates of the accused, Simon Williams’.
On the 6th November 1996 they did commit ‘aggravated trespass’ with ‘physical menaces’ but it was Mr Nielson who was ‘arrested’ when he called the Police. Mr Nielson was the victim not the perpetrator.
Police officers took Mr Nielson to the Police station and detained him 4 hours, upon then, he was released, without charge.
However in the recorded interview, at no time was Mr. Neilson asked why these people were in his flat from the recording it appears the police are pressurising Mr Neilson into confessing that he had attacked the unknown thugs inside his own home.
Sussex Police Officers refused to let Mr. Neilson press charges against the attackers who subsequently occupied the above flat for days on end, harassing him by playing loud music, purposely jumping up and down on his ceilings and Mark Slade and Danny Smith joining in as he was a regular visitors in the top flat. Which Mark Slade had moved the lease to one of his associates a Mr Chris Dobson?
11) We require the names and addresses of Mr. Neilson's attackers and their statements.
11a) A copy of the report sent to the murder team where the main witness, Mr Neilson, had been attacked. Also, what action was taken to protect him?
11c) Can we have the name of the witness protection officer in this case and his reports as to his assessment of the danger Mr Neilson was in.
12) Mr. Neilson still wishes to press charges against his attackers for ‘aggravated trespass’ with ‘physical menaces’ also ‘witness intimidation’ under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 section 51 13)
All Mr. Neilsons endeavours in reporting these crimes to Sussex Police since 1988 to date, have proved ‘fruitless’ and ‘frustrating’, even though he proved crime was committed through civil actions that he undertook.
He went to Sussex Police with these proven criminal offences, which included Council Corruption (connected to the upstairs flat), attempted murder in another. At the time, the Area Commander C. Pole refused to see Mr Neilson to report these crimes. We understand that she is now the head of Sussex Police Professional Standards Department!
14) A complaint has already been made to yourselves by Mr. Neilson. I enclose copies of these letters
Mr. Neilson is most dissatisfied with the result of his complaints and has therefore instructed us to make inquires as to the investigations made by yourselves in relation to this matter as to whether reasonable steps were taken to investigate this complaint. He has been given no indication as to whether officers were spoken to and what they say with regard to the complaints.
15) My Client has asked that the unsolved murder of Katrina Taylor be investigated by another Police force,
15a) Working with investigative journalists and other persons has built up a vast amount of information concern major corruption within Sussex Police.
Mr. Neilson wishes a full statement be taken over vital evidence that was removed by Sussex Police. An example being, the day Simon Williams put the knife down the drain, he made numerous phone calls, the records disappeared. The telephone records covering Mark Slade, s time at the flat were removed. Mr. Neilson’s records were removed, covering his contact with the police.
16) My client believes that Sussex Police Authority have acted outside of the law.
17) Mr. Neilson has made allegations of corruption and criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice over the murder of Katrina Taylor. A detailed account of this will be put forward at a court hearing or investigation
17 A) We have documentation proving criminal conspiracy between Sussex Police and Lewes District Council to intimidate Mr Neilson to covering up Council fraud, corruption and other crimes.
18) Before the retrial of Smith and Scollan at the Old Bailey in 1999. Mr. Neilson made contact, himself, with Seahaven Victim Support.
18a) I require copies of all files and what help they gave my Client.
19) My client has proof that he was regarded as the most important witness at the retrial and the CPS where fully aware of this. Can you explain why my client did not get any protection from Sussex Police or even contacted by Sussex Police?
20) We require a full report on the following:
Two police cars arrived from Sussex Police from Gatwick Port. They tried to arrest my client, at his home, on Monday 6 September 1999 at 07.30 and again on Wednesday 8 of September at 07.30 1999, (where only one car turned up) for ‘perverting the course of justice’.
I require all the documentation on this incident. Arrest warrant details. My client firmly believes this was an attempt to remove him and a strong natural instinct told him he was in danger of losing his life at the hands of Sussex Police,
21) Another attack was made against Mr. Neilson in 1999. A gang of three men (in broad daylight) banged on his windows and doors. They stayed for thirty minutes culminating in his car being damaged. The neighbours were too frightened to call the police.
21A) Mr Neilson, knowing he would be wasting his time contacting Sussex Police started his own investigations. They pointed to a Mr. and Mrs. Habib, who are involved in Lewes District Council fraud and that they were behind the attack. More will be exposed as the owners of the leasehold the top Flat 318 South Coast rd Peacehaven. As it has changed hands three time and Mark Slade still seems to be the "owner" Plus this will be part of the investigation in to Lewes District Council.
22) We will want this incident fully investigated but not yet prepared to release Mr. Neilson's details of his investigations
23) We want the ‘log’ of all calls made to Sussex Police by Mr. Neilson and names of the Officers contacted.
23A) We want a ‘log’ of all visits made by Sussex Police Officers to Mr. Neilsons home. Dates, Times, names of the Officers and reason for calling at his home.
24) We also want the transcripts of both trials.
25) We are asking the C.P.S to produce all documents involved in the murder, as it is believed that vital evidence was removed
26_What material is Sussex Police holding on file concerning Mr. Neilson?
27) We require copies of the three statements given by Mr. Neilson over the murder of Katrina Taylor
Further matters relating to the murder of Katrina Taylor, crimes committed and the’ cover up’ by Sussex Police.
28) It is on record that Mr. Neilson, together, with others, fully informed the then Chief Constable, Paul Whitehouse, A.C.C. Mark Jordan and A.C.C. Nigel Yeo as to the murder, the threats and a cover up on activities. He had no response.
29) There is a strong case for a full investigation into the above’s involvement in the murder of Katrina Taylor and the covering up of Mark Slade, s crimes prior and during the murder.
30) Mr. Neilson, as you are aware, has made a series of complaints against your new Chief Constable. You are surely aware that a Chief constable has to be appointed to investigate these complaints. Why has this not happened?
30a) The reply Mr Neilson received is nothing but ‘failure of duty’ by Sussex Police Authority.
We request that this be referred to the P.C.A. immediately; otherwise we will have no alternative but to take this matter to the High Court.
30 c) Mr Nielson has sent you an abundance of information on other major crimes. Why have you failed to investigate?
30d ) With respect to Lewes District Council and Sussex Police. The CPS will be contacted with the view to appoint an outside force to investigate.
31) We will on behalf of Mr. Neilson be giving you a list of people to prosecute under The Criminal justice and public order act 1994 section 51 ‘witness intimidation’.
31a) A criminal conspiracy to intimate Mr Neilson again between Sussex Police Officer Inspector Preddy, Lewes District Council officers and members John Crawford C. Knight. R. Harries Ann De Vecchi Mr Stanton Mrs Stanton Mr A. Woolly to covered up, council fraud and corruption. Criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice in the murder of Katrina Taylor
31b) Unless the following persons are not arrested and charged criminal conspiracy and Mr Neilson is pressing these charges criminal conspiracy to pervert the course of justice Harassment and the of also within 7 days of the recent of this letter.
32) We have instructions to take separate actions for damages by Mr. Neilson against Lewes District Council and Sussex Police.
33) Mr. Neilson will be taking further action with regards to Sussex Police under the ‘human-rights act’ of which he has been deprived.
34) Mr. Neilson will be taking a series of actions against Lewes District Council.
35) Mr. Neilson will also be considering taking further action with regards to Misfeasance in Public Office on the basis of failure of duty by Sussex Police Authority.
36) Copies of all correspondence from Sussex Police Authority to Mr. Neilson thanking him for doing his public duty in solving the murder. I note in other cases people have received commendations and rewards.
Mr. Neilson notes
Mr Neilson has prepared a list of known persons who aided in perverting the course of justice, which will be presented in court.
Names of Police Officers of just a few involved in corruption and perverting the course of justice
C.C. Paul Whitehouse- Assistant Chief Constable Nigel Yeo deputy chief constable, Mark Jordan. Ken Jones QPM- Officer O’Donnell - Officer Pollard- M. Bacon- P.C. Witherspoon- P.C. Chris Hastings- D.I. Preddy- Superintendent S. Fowler- C.S. C. Pople- Det Chief Insp George Smith- Wiltfield- D.C. Hards- More names are to be added
Those mentioned above have now been shown to have used similar ‘tactics’ in the James Ashley shooting investigation and castigated by Sir John Hoddnott, who headed ‘Operation Lancet’. Main Person Sussex Police Covered up for Mark Slade