USFWS Has Decided To Let Animals Burn Alive in Idaho Fires
A management employee of the US Fish and Wildlife Service said on Science Friday, a National Public Radio program frequently advertising international drug company products as it promotes animal research, on Aug 24 that the decision had been made to let the Idaho fires burn till fall. The USFWS, an agency dominated by hunters and fishermen, does not consider the animal, birds, frogs and butterflies burning alive to be a problem, nor the destruction of sentient trees whose rain prevents the droughts which cause fire.
Once again, Ira Flatow, host of Science Friday of NPR, did not allow any environmental or animal rights callers.
There was absolutely no discussion of 90% of the causes of drought, the main one being destruction of trees whose daily evaporation of 42 or more gallons of water on average becomes mist, then clouds, then rain. Every leaf, every blade of grass, is a mini air conditioner. Solutions such as mass planting and irrigation of zillions of trees, taxing the use of wood and paper while rewarding building with brick, block, stucco, stone, clay, eating the products of fruit and nut trees to reinforce orchards, reading news on the web instead of in daily newspapers which together annually kill trillions of trees were not discussed.
Fires burn now in Idaho, Washington, Nevada, California and have burned in Colorado, Virginia, Utah etc.
The USDA, USFWS and DOI agencies have often started controlled burns which have ignited millions of acres when the wind changed. This has been done in some cases to cause an excuse for lumbermen to come in and take down many trees. These agencies are often conscious arsonists.

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