Mark Lazarowicz MP (Labour, Edinburgh North and Leith)
Constituency Office
5 Croall Place,
Dear Mr Lazarowicz
I am greatly concerned with the continuing harrrassment of Mrs Barbara Tucker in London’s Parliament Square. She maintains a 24/7 peace vigil as you know and has been arrested a total of 45 times in her six and a half years on the campaign.
She has been denied a tent, a sleeping bag and now incredibly even blankets. Even homeless people are entitled to a sleeping bag.
The simple truth is that the authorities (both Labour MPs and Conservative MPs) cannot bear to be reminded of the lies that were told in the run up to the 2003 illegal attack on Iraq. They would wish the demonstration would go away but it is not going away anytime soon.
The US and its allies are pressing for regime change in Syria and may well attack Iran this summer – an extremely dangerous thing to do. That is why there is a need for campaigners like Barbara.
I urge that the Harassment of Barbara Tucker who poses no threat to anyone be ended. Could you approach the Home Secretary (Theresa May) re this matter?
As a point of interest the electricity and water supply in Iraq have not been sorted out a whole decade after the illegal attack. People are suffering in 46 degree heat (110 degrees Fahrenheit) with filthy water and the after effects of depleted uranium in Fallujah.
Yours Sincerely, Paul O’Hanlon
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14.07.2012 23:54
I think more likely they will attack Syria. At least they will be wanting that to fall (in whichever way) before attacking Iran.
Brian B
14.07.2012 23:56
Brian B
yeah but
20.07.2012 20:14
Now even if she said something I agreed with I would disagree just to piss her off.