Fash & Chips
Casuals United, the football hooligan wing of the EDL, made complete tits of themselves in Brighton today (2nd). In response to their humiliation at March for England the fash thought it would be a good idea to come back in even smaller numbers to have a go at the "rabid hordes of commie UAF gays" that passes for the population of Brighton.
Far right websites, blogs and Facebook pages are already attempting to claim that antifa either a) didn't turn up, b) ran away, and/or c) attacked patriots unprovoked. In reality the knuckle draggers managed to skulk about in a few pubs (including Belushis, The Saint James & The Amsterdam) while around 100 antifascists stewarded the UK Uncut demo and Palestine Solidarity stall near Churchill Sq. Once the stall had packed up around 3pm the antifascists mobbed up and headed towards Old Steine to confront the racists.
Police halted the majority of the march halfway down North St, meaning only around 30 made it to the bottom of St James Street, where small groups of fash were skulking around making homophobic remarks. A spirited fistfight broke out, though the police waded in before a decisive outcome was reached.
The cops then rounded up most of the EDL and marched them to the train station, with antifascists haranguing them all the way. Many of them then left town with a few others heading back into town to find a pub to defend from Sharia Law.
Antifascists then regrouped for a well earned pint, while others headed to Hollingbury police station to pick up arrested comrades. So far at least 5 antifascists and 5 fascists have been nicked today.
A more complete & concise roundup of the day's events will be posted in the near future.
Up the punks!!
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Does this mean you won?
02.06.2012 19:35
Amulet's Jewel
Good job!
02.06.2012 20:06
Bristol antifascists
e-mail: bristolantifascists@riseup.net
I wish you middle class wannabes would stop throwing the word fascist around
02.06.2012 20:21
Are the EDL/Casuals United scum? Yes
Do they need opposing? Yes
Are they fascist? No
Lets face it, the EDL are not fascist so lets stop throwing the word around all the time. The majority of you middle-class students don't have a clue what real fascism is. Sometimes, I half-wonder if you just throw the word around to groups you disagree with purely to try and justify you're own existance.
Also, let's look at the facts. This wasn't a victory for Anti-fascists. I was there and it was pathetic, a bunch of middle-class college kids who seemed to spend more time fighting with the police than actually opposing the EDL.
I got the impression the vast majority were there just to have a scuffle with the cops. If they really wanted to oppose the EDL, they'd have gone in smaller groups looking for the EDL on their way to and from the pubs. Not got in a big group and hurled abuse at the coppers.
If this is the state of Anti-fascism... a bunch of middle-class, idiotic kids who don't understand what fascism is and just want to fight with the police, then I shudder to think of what the future holds for this country.
The real Anti-fascists need to get their act sorted and the middle-class wannabes need to F-Off and leave the Antifascism to the real activists. Like in Liverpool, where Liverpool Antifascists have done nothing but make themselves and Antifascists in general a laughing stock.
Today was pathetic. Decent numbers, but most didn't seem to have a clue how to oppose racists and just wanted to fight with the coppers.
A Real Antifascist
nice try tosser
02.06.2012 20:38
Brighton AFA
Division...yeah, thats right...the division!
02.06.2012 20:44
In general, your point seems a good 'un but battling away in small isolated groups just hands it to the edl. Which of course encourages the antifa to rely on the filth to come to their aid (probably the original reason why the edl were setup, push the blaggards into the states arms!!!!).
But I agree, they are not fascists. Never have been.
I've met true fascists and they do have a model political framework about them, however odious that might be. The edl are just wasters trying to muscle in on someting they don't understand. Ask one of them to outline the conceptual idea of the feared 'Caliphate' and they balls it all up. Not even remotely able to string a sentence together.
Most of the rest are just drunkards with nothing to do. That isn't fascism, thats just sad.
In the EDL/Casuals blog...
02.06.2012 21:10
Secondly they went out for a night in HOVE... posh twats.
Homepage: https://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&gs_nf=1&pq=the%20casuals%20united%20are%20all%20idiots&cp=0&gs_id=1ij&xhr=t&q=casuals+united+are+all+idiots&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&
@A Real Antifascist
03.06.2012 14:06
While some of your criticism may be valid (the tendency for crowds to get sidetracked by police, a lack of focus, some people being too wary of direct confrontation etc.) your fundamental problem seems to be that you weren't in a small group of hard working class lads and you are blaming that on everyone else that attended the demo, instead of yourself.
Firstly how do you know small groups weren't doing exactly that and secondly who stopped you from doing this yourself? Certainly not the 'middle-class wannabes' that you think should fuck off.
If you have a problem with the way people are organising the solution is simple – do it differently yourself. Either that or just make comments on Indymedia about how you would've done it so much better.
Brighton AntiFascists
e-mail: brightonantifascists@riseup.net
Homepage: http://brightonantifascists.wordpress.com
Who cares, not the British people.
04.06.2012 10:26
The EDL thrives on the concept they are 'opposed' when in fact about 99% of the population simply ignores them, without these staged events that benefit both sides they would simply face away (as would most of Antifa)
The British will simply never elect anybody from the hard Left or Right because they don't take either extreme seriously. It's one of the things I like about this country.
Fully agree
04.06.2012 10:38
I agree, it is one of the reasons that pandering to the electoral process is such a waste of time for the UK political Left. We will only achieve power when we take it through revolution because the wider population simply does not understand what they need and vote on the basis of their own greed.
British voter
Please inform us
04.06.2012 11:10
And you do ?
Who put you in charge ?
Nessie and Co
Who put you in charge ?
04.06.2012 11:27
I have no desire for "power", just a wish to see a better world.
British voter
What ?
04.06.2012 11:58
its within your ability
04.06.2012 12:21
Perhaps you should put yourself up at the local elections. If people agree with you, they will vote for you and then you can make the world a better place. I know it is a bit old school but the system is in place there to be made use of.
Failing that, if you can't trust the people's judgement in failing to vote for you, perhaps you should build an army and rule the country by force -- you know.... just for their own good of course.
do it
No point
04.06.2012 12:47
There is no point. With the Israeli control of the media, banks and advertising industry a true radical candidate would not be able to get their message across to the people so they would be unelectable. Besides I do not really believe in 'democracy' per se.
British voter
04.06.2012 12:51
Worked for my family :-)
@British Voter
04.06.2012 13:01
How does Israel control the media, banks and advertising industry?
For the Israeli shrill "confused"
04.06.2012 13:59
By association and control of those UK Zionists who own most of the media, banks and advertising agencies. Go do a little research, check on how many Zionists are in top level positions within those organisations. These are the people taking their orders from Jerusalem.
The hand of Israel is in every important part of our life, there has not been a PM elected in this country or President in the USA that Israel did not approve of in advance.
You need to understand how your very life is influenced by Israel every day and as we saw with both Princess Diana and Robin Cook if you dare to cross them retribution is swift and deadly.
British voter
Back in the real world
04.06.2012 14:24
>>> Do you mean Zionists or the J word. There is no evidence that people of a certain religious group are taking orders from anywhere.
The hand of Israel is in every important part of our life, there has not been a PM elected in this country or President in the USA that Israel did not approve of in advance.
>>> Utter rubbish
You need to understand how your very life is influenced by Israel every day and as we saw with both Princess Diana and Robin Cook if you dare to cross them retribution is swift and deadly.
>>> Diana died as a result of a drunk driver, Cook had a heart attack through a lifetime of heavy drinking. Neither had anything to do with Israel.
David Ike watch
Your 'real' world or the actual real world ?
04.06.2012 15:44
>>> Do you mean Zionists or the J word. There is no evidence that people of a certain religious group are taking orders from anywhere.
**** There is plenty of evidence. Israel has simply codified into national form what has been happening for hundreds of years. The Zionist controlling elite has been running UK banking for example since the Rothschilds invented banking. They have started wars since the time of Napoleon to increase their wealth.
The hand of Israel is in every important part of our life, there has not been a PM elected in this country or President in the USA that Israel did not approve of in advance.
>>> Utter rubbish
**** Every single PM since Churchill has been a member of the "Friends of Israel" political group. Every PM has had funding from Israeli front organisations and Blair even started wars at the orders of his Israeli paymasters (Iraq and Afghanistan)
You need to understand how your very life is influenced by Israel every day and as we saw with both Princess Diana and Robin Cook if you dare to cross them retribution is swift and deadly.
>>> Diana died as a result of a drunk driver, Cook had a heart attack through a lifetime of heavy drinking. Neither had anything to do with Israel.
**** Diana was killed by a single shot to the right front tyre of her Mercedes after the driver was blinded by a special forces 'shock light' because she was pregnant with a Muslim baby
Robin Cook was assassinated by a Mossad kill squad because he was about to spill the beans about the Israeli false flag attacks in Iraq.
British voter
Let's have some reality here.
04.06.2012 18:34
To join this conversation at a late point.
The Israeli's are not nearly as powerful as they often claim. You can quite easily speak out against it without any fear of retribution. The israeli's are all talk and have 100% dependency on deception.
Only an Israeli or a zionist would ever say what you are saying.
Israel is isolated, marginalised and has no real influence beyond getting its friends to speak on its behalf. Anti-semitism is now a critical and essential component of Israel's defence. It has nothing else.
I'm not making any judgements about your politics, but I am saying that talking Israel up, is to offer it a defence it doesn't otherwise possess.
You are defending it by saying what you have said.
Not only are you undermining the case against Apartheid, but you are undermining a lot of Jews who do not sympathise with Israel not to mention strengthening the misery that Palestinians face in the West Bank and Gaza.
The world IS NOT controlled by Jews, no more than its controlled by the Clangers. But it is horrendously de stabilised by those who spread disinformation on behalf of regimes who routinely undermine and flout international law.
Police 5.
04.06.2012 18:53
Invisible Ninja Mossad killbot (minus cloaking device!)
Is that the same Mossad squad that was responsible for the killing of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh at a hotel in Dubai in 2010.
The picture above is one of the Mossad agents disguised as a tennis player entering the floor shortly before Mahmoud was drugged, electrocuted and then suffocated.
As you can see from the image, Mossad agents are not really the time travelling invisible Ninja's we have been conditioned to accept, but more middle aged fat skinny legged criminals who do everything by sneaking about using other peoples Passports. In other words, they are more like Nigerian internet fraudsters than crack murderbot kill squads!!
In total, 29 agents were involved all of whom are now wanted by Interpol who have issued arrest warrants for them, so if you recognise any of these herberts please contact the appropriate authority in order that the may be arrested and put on trial for a range of offences including fraud and murder.
And remember, keep em peeled.
Shaw Tailor.
go back to reading Jason Bourne novels
04.06.2012 19:08
fed up of bullshitters
Almost there!
04.06.2012 20:35
Are you saying that you have?
Think carefully...troll!
EDL/casuals bitchfest reveals the truth
09.06.2012 19:24
After the Casual's under Jeffry's "leadership" were handed their arse for a second time by various people in Brighton Tommy Robinson - Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - has been handed a bill for the police operation that saved kebab boy marshy from the locals. EDL anger at this has not only led to a deepening of the already wide rift between the EDL and what's left of the casuals but has prompted the EDL leadership, notably He Growler to publically dish the dirt on mouthy Marsh
Turns out old Marsh gas likes to lead from the rear - the rear of the pub that is. Apparently it was common knowledge among the EDL that Marshy, when surrounded by anarchists in Brighton, fled the scene looking for a back way out of the pub they were holed up in rather than back his lads up - a move that has brought him condemnation form the EDL who all but accuse the has been hooligan of cowardice
Jamming the airwaves
10.06.2012 10:10
Andrew Chambers · Top commenter · Worker at JAPAN AIRLINES
So we have the thruth then. the EDL are not interested in Sharia law or anything even remotely to do with Islamics or Muslims.
The EDL are a political group setup to oppose the Socialists in the UK. They are an anti-protest group and are officially anti-Indymedia too.
They have only one interest and strategic aim. To keep people from protesting on the streets of Britain. All this crap about the Caliphate is exactly that...crap.
The EDL ARE NOT fascists...if you beleive that go and join the EDL. The EDL ARE NOT defending Britain...if you beleive that go and join them. The EDL are not opposed to Muslims or Islam...they are OPPOSED TO YOU.
They are here to prevent protest, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of movement. They are almost certainly a part of the current Governments anti-protest agenda. They were probably setup with the help of Conservative funding.
They are here to OWN protest.