London Parliament Square peace campaigner Barbara Tucker has been arrested yet again – now an incredible 45 times in her 6 years and 4 months in the Square. Her heinous crime was to put up a small tent so she could get a little shuteye. Imagine if a load of police came to evict Tony Blair from his luxury house in the millionaire’s row of Connaught Square. There ARE police outside his house 24/7 but to protect him not to arrest him.
When the hastily drafted SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005) failed to get rid of Brian Haw and Barbara’s peace campaign the authorities drafted another piece of legislation PASRA (Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011). PASRA restricts certain "prohibited activities" in Parliament Square garden and the adjoining footways. Activities such as telling the truth and constantly reminding the authorities of all the lies they told in the run-up to war on Iraq. Lies which look like being repeated to try and justify an attack on Iran perhaps.
Tough though life may be for Babs she is still in the Square and the powers that be may have to enact even more ludicrous legislation to try and silence the democratic voice outside the `mother of all parliaments`.
More power to the awesome mother of two from Oz!
Here is Barbara’s account with photos of the latest arrest and harassment:
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Well done Babs!
04.04.2012 21:39
non paranoid anarchist
05.04.2012 08:06
related links:
Metcrimes: Operation Dunboy, 1 April 2012
Smoking emails reveal stench of state corruption, 23 March 2012
Arrest 44: Met Police & media cover up, 18 January 2012
Police corruption: The long and short of it, 16 January 2012
05.04.2012 19:17
Yes, but she knows by now (45 times!) that it is illegal, therefore she can hardly just say she is getting some shuteye.
>> Imagine if a load of police came to evict Tony Blair from his luxury house in the millionaire’s row of Connaught Square. There ARE police outside his house 24/7 but to protect him not to arrest him.
Absolutely ridiculous comparison...
a) Tony Blair sleeping in his house is not breaking the law
b) He paid for it
c) Why would the police arrest him? What he is doing is legal
>> When the hastily drafted SOCPA (Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005) failed to get rid of Brian Haw and Barbara’s peace campaign the authorities drafted another piece of legislation PASRA (Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011). PASRA restricts certain "prohibited activities" in Parliament Square garden and the adjoining footways. Activities such as telling the truth and constantly reminding the authorities of all the lies they told in the run-up to war on Iraq. Lies which look like being repeated to try and justify an attack on Iran perhaps.
You can 'tell the truth' (sic) and other such stuff. Just don't clog up the garden and put a tent up etc. The two activities have nothing to do with each other. The law isn't stopping you doing the former, only the latter. You can still protest.
>> Tough though life may be for Babs she is still in the Square and the powers that be may have to enact even more ludicrous legislation to try and silence the democratic voice outside the `mother of all parliaments`.
Not trying to silence her. Just trying to fucking get rid of her in her tent. She CAN protest there.
Rose Petals
paranoid state indeed
07.04.2012 12:02
She is a nasty paranoid piece of work who has viciously attacked and alienated everyone else who supported Brian including his children as evidenced by her blog which rides on Brian's name
antiwar speaks the truth
08.04.2012 19:08
(and it's getting more and more absurd)
that so much vitriol should emanate from a 'peace' camp.
She devastated Brian's support and shouts 'Nazi' at anyone who doesn't agree with everything she says.
Many people who worked tirelessly with Brian have been accused of being agents of the state or the police (including Bindmans :)
When questioned about this behaviour she says, "So sue me" (She is litigious and makes complaints to the police about other activists/protestors)
She and her small band of paranoid supporters continually make wild (and quite serious) public allegations about the neighbouring Peace Strike (as with Democracy Village) and, as anyone who can think for a moment will understand, it is impossible for anyone to disprove a negative.
I could go on but, like most people with any knowledge of the real situation of what is happening there, I’ve reached the conclusion that to try to deal with this level of paranoia is pretty pointless.
Solidarity with all who have been smeared.
and much sympathy for Brian’s kids.
Give Babs credit for her forbearance
12.04.2012 10:17
Barbara, like Brian, has suffered continual harassment while in the Square. She has been arrested an average of once every seven weeks in her more than 6 years on the vigil and was once nearly killed by the TSG (the notorious `muscle of the Met` or `flat caps`) when she was held in unlawful stress positions which restricted her breathing.
Why is she being deprived of even a small tent when mass murderers like Blair and Bush live in great luxury and are immune from any kind of prosecution for their war crimes?
wasting everyone's time and energy
14.04.2012 17:30
I am sure you can find other causes to support and write about. I remember from a report of yours years ago that you were visiting Brian once a year - if that is still the situation it will be hard for you to know what is/has happened (other that the absurd stuff you are told and read on that blog in Brian's name). The tent fiasco is absurd, of course she should have a tent, the PASRA needs to be challenged but her paranoia is what is the problem here and the current situation is largely of her own making
Your time is your own to waste of course but it just seems a bit of a shame, you were supporting Brian from a distance for a long time. Oh, and by the way, Brian did actually stay there - your 'Babs' never really has, most of the time she is away writing her endless Brian blog in which she has attacked everyone who supported Brian in any meaninful way (and had a go at his kids). If nothing else, please stop equating the two of them. No comparison mate.
Not a Llizard
Let Babs keep her tent - she's suffering from exposure.
23.04.2012 15:55
The only person who I have ever heard compared to a lizard was 1950’s matinee idol Lithuanian born actor Laurence Harvey (1928-1973), star of such films as `Room at the Top` and the sequel `Life at the Top`, and `BUtterfield 8` and `Walk on the Wild Side`. He also starred in the cold war thriller `The Manchurian Candidate` the central theme of which was brainwashing. He was slim and handsome but had a rather sneering, slimy manner not unlike a lizard. He tended to portray ruthless social climbers and first class heels – men like Tony Blair for instance. I’m sure he would have made a good Tony Blair in a film but sadly he passed away from stomach cancer in 1973 at the age of just 45. (Ironically one of his films was called `The Good Die Young`.)
Perhaps it could be argued that the public was brainwashed into believing that Iraq posed some kind of threat, certainly the media and the government spoke with one voice and in the US especially convinced the majority that Iraq really had weapons of mass destruction when it obviously didn’t.
I think we need people like Brian and Barbara to keep reminding us of the lies that were told and which will likely be used again to justify a potentially disastrous attack on Iran this summer.
You say Babs isn’t really in the Square – well she always seems to be there when I’m in London. Can you tell me why the other campaigner in the square Maria Gallastegui IS allowed to have a tent while Barbara is not?
Brian certainly approved of Barbara – when I suggested to Brian that John Pilger was the best thing to come out of Australia he said: “No, he’s the second best thing to come out of Australia; she (pointing to Barbara) is the best thing to come out of Australia.”
Her number of arrests (45) is ludicrous. Why don’t they arrest Bush or Blair?
I look forward to the media giving maybe a little attention to the campaign on day 4,000 which will be next month.
Laurence Harvey
(AKA Paul)
Paul O'Hanlon