The impact of these abuses of UN General Assembly precedents and procedures is that not only the people and government of Syria, but also the very integrity of the UN system itself, are being undermined and jeopardized. The actions of the subsequent meeting that followed on Thursday demonstrated this abuse ever more clearly.
Using the UN General Assembly to justify war and "regime change" in Syria
by Ronda Hauben, Global Research, 19 February 2012
Part I -The Monday meeting
Why did the current president of the UN General Assembly (GA), Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser of Qatar, call a special meeting of the General Assembly on February 13, a meeting, as several nations noted, outside the regular procedures of the General Assembly?
The notice for the GA meeting was unusually short, as UN members were only notified on the Thursday night before for a meeting the following Monday morning. So it was not surprising that there were a number of complaints that in addition to procedural violations, normal consultation channels for calling a GA meeting had not been followed.
As the meeting unfolded on Monday, several delegations provided explanations of the customary procedures that had been violated, suggesting that the President of the GA was using his office to manipulate a procedure at the UN to further the political goals of his nation. Also, several of those speaking at the GA on Monday referred to the precedent this was setting for GA meetings in the future. Such a precedent would make it more likely that future Presidents of the GA will call meetings contrary to GA procedures when the person in the presidency has a political purpose.
The meeting went on all day on Monday with several speaking for and against the GA President’s purpose for the meeting to condemn Syria for its clampdown on allegedly “peaceful protest.” Several of those speaking made clear their view that the violent acts of armed opposition and foreign forces who are acting in Syria cannot be considered acts of “peaceful protest”.
Several who spoke referred to the Arab League Observer Mission Report which had verified the presence of armed groups and the Syrian Free Army, and that these armed insurgents were responsible for violent actions against the Syrian government and civilians.
The proposal of the Observer Mission to continue for another month and to work toward a political solution had been quickly dismissed by the Qatar Presidency of the Arab League, just as now the Qatar President of the GA failed to mention the important contribution of the Observer Mission to the understanding of what is happening in Syria. (1)
In his statement to the GA on Monday, the Russian Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, explained that his nation “regretted the ending of the Observer Mission” and took note of this fact.
Similarly others speaking referred to the importance of this mission.
One of the most comprehensive statements of what is happening both in Syria and at the United Nations was presented by Ambassador Maria Rubiales de Chamorro of Nicaragua on Monday. (2) Her statement deserves serious attention. Following is a summary of her presentation.
The Nicaraguan Ambassador explained that at a Summit meeting of ALBA in early February, an analysis of the situation in Syria was discussed and a condemnation was issued of the policy of the interference in the domestic affairs of Syria, as well as the effort to destabilize Syria.
Also ALBA condemned what it called “armed violence by irregular groups supported by foreign powers against the Syrian people.”
Calling for a return to calm in Syria and support for peaceful reform and national dialogue, she referred to the steps being taken by the government of Syria to arrive at a political solution to the conflict.
But what is interfering with such efforts, she explained, is the fact that the “same script that the forces of NATO and their allies implemented in Libya” is now being applied to Syria.
Ambassador Rubiales de Chamorro pointed to the actions of NATO and its allies against Libya where “these same actors carried out the same practices and policies”.
The “play” in process against Syria that she described, included several acts. She listed these acts as:
2)Arming of Terrorists
3)Military Intervention
4)Destruction of the Country
5)Juicy Contracts for the Reconstruction of that country that they themselves have destroyed
The Ambassador called on other members of the UN to make clear that “we do not share the hypocritical view of life that is now being labeled R2P.” (Responsibility to Protect)
R2P, she said, “cannot be allowed to become a devious argument to justify foreign intervention in the domestic affairs of states.”
She explained that the Arab League Observer Mission Report had documented that Syria had complied with the protocol setting up the mission and the Arab Plan of Action.(3)
The Syrian government withdrew members of the military from the streets. It released thousands of detainees who had not been involved in acts of violence. It facilitated the work of the foreign media. But yet the very report documenting these conclusions is “now being swept under the carpet,” she noted.
Similarly, the Nicaraguan Ambassador expressed her nation’s appreciation for the initiative of the Russian Federation to offer to mediate a diplomatic, political and peaceful solution to the crisis. She conveyed the full support from her President, Daniel Ortega, to Russia and China for the work they had done in the Security Council in favor of negotiations and a peaceful resolution of the conflict and against instigating a war against Syria.
Despite the fact that several other nations had spoken at Monday’s meeting against the imposition of a regime change program by the Arab League for Syria, when the GA President ended Monday’s meeting, he only summed up the sentiments of those supporting the Arab League program.
The impact of these abuses of UN GA precedents and procedures is that not only the people and government of Syria, but also the very integrity of the UN system itself, are being undermined and jeopardized. The actions of the subsequent meeting that followed on Thursday demonstrated this abuse ever more clearly.
Part II – The Thursday Meeting
At the Monday GA meeting, Bashar al-Jafari, the Syrian Ambassador effectively challenged not only the substance of the meeting, but also the abuse of the precedent under which it was called. The meeting had allegedly been called for the GA to discuss a Human Rights Report issued by the Human Rights Council in December of 2011. The Syrian Ambassador pointed out that this was an inappropriate activity as the GA Resolution governing how Human Rights reports from the Human Rights Council were brought to the GA was violated.
The procedure established in Resolution A/Res/65/281 (20 July 2011) was that the Human Rights Council Report to the GA was to be presented in the 3rd Committee of the GA and subsequently in the GA. The Report would cover the period of the prior year from October 1 to September 30 of the current year.(4) The presentation of a December 2011 Human Rights Council Report to a GA Plenary meeting in February 2012 was violating the mandate set in the GA Resolution. Hence holding the GA meeting on Monday, February 13 in violation of the procedures contained in A/Res/65/281 was an illegal activity by the GA President. The Syrian Ambassador had asked that the Monday meeting be suspended to await an impartial decision by the UN Secretariat Legal Council on the actions being taken by the GA President.
The GA President refused to accommodate this request and just continued with his plan for the Monday meeting.
When the Thursday meeting was held, however, in recognition of the correctness of the Syrian Ambassador’s legal objection, the GA Agenda designation for the meeting was changed. The new Agenda designation was under the GA agenda item 34, “Prevention of Armed Conflict”.
Such maneuvers help to demonstrate that the very holding of the GA meeting itself was not in line with the procedures or provisions for General Assembly activity.
If the GA is acting outside of its processes and procedures, then the stage is set for it to go on to endorse a resolution contrary to the Charter of the UN.
The Charter of the UN clearly states that if the Security Council is exercising the functions it is assigned with regard to any dispute, the General Assembly cannot “make any recommendation with regard to that dispute or situation unless the Security Council so requests.”(Chapter II, Article 12(1))
Yet practically the same resolution that was vetoed at the Security Council on February 4, was brought to the GA for a vote on February 16. The Russian Federation asked to amend the resolution with the amendments it had proposed in the Security Council so that the resolution would conform to the requirements of the UN Charter.
These amendments included a provision to not only require that Syrian government military and armed forces withdraw from cities and towns, but that this happen “in conjunction with the end of attacks by armed groups against state institutions and quarters of cities and towns.”
Another provision of the Russian amendments was to replace the requirement of meeting a time table set by the Arab League with the provision that the process would “take into account” the time table set by the Arab League, adding that this would be done “without prejudging the outcome.”
Such amendments could help to prevent the Arab League process from becoming a process in support of the armed insurgents against the Syrian government, and hence a mechanism for regime change, in violation of the obligations of the Charter to respect the sovereignty, and the territorial integrity of Syria. The sponsors of the GA Resolution refused to consider the Russian Federation’s requested amendments.
At the GA meeting on Thursday to consider the resolution against Syria under the Agenda item “Prevention of Armed Conflict”, the representatives of several nations spoke against the resolution, objecting to the fact that it did not take into account that there is an armed insurgency operating against the Syrian government and people.
Instead of the resolution recognizing this problem, as the Arab League Observer’s Mission had recommended, the GA Resolution supported the armed insurgency by requiring the Syrian government to cease military action against that insurgency, but not providing any other means to prevent the actions of the insurgents against the government or people of Syria.
Speaking against the GA Resolution, the Venezuelan Ambassador, Jorge Valero explained (5):
“The Draft resolution denies the Syrian State its right to protect its population and to ensure internal peace and security. The draft asks it to give up the privileges granted to it by the Constitution for ensuring the country’s stability. The draft does not call for – as proposed in the amendment submitted by the Russian Federation, and I quote, it does not call for – ‘all sections of the Syrian opposition to dissociate themselves from armed groups engaged in acts of violence’ nor does it, and I continue to quote from the Russian amendment, nor does it ‘urge Member States and all those in a position to do so to use their influence to prevent continued violence by such groups’.”
Ambassador Valero pointed out the mechanisms of the Arab League plan for Syria that are a violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and pointed to how the Resolution supported the armed insurgency against the Syrian government and people. This, he explained, was but a repeat of the acts taken by the UN against Libya. Also he expressed his support for the initiatives of the Russian Federation and China, “which have prevented the Security Council from being used to violate the sovereignty of the Syrian Arab Republic.”
Several others who spoke against the draft resolution, either before or after the vote, expressed similar objections, as well as the disappointment that the Russian Federation amendments had not been accepted by the sponsors of the GA resolution.
The vote was taken. More than one quarter of the UN members either did not vote at all, or voted against or abstained. Even some of those who voted in favor of the resolution expressed their support for the Russian amendments.(6)
Speaking after the vote, the Syrian Ambassador expressed his concern not only for his nation, but also for the UN as a whole. He expressed the concern that if the UN continues to send the “erroneous message” that it is acceptable to violate the sovereignty of member states, then this will impact the UN itself morally and politically. “And we will have destroyed the large body of normative efforts for the past 60 years,” he warned.
Watching the process first at the UN Security Council with the draft resolution against Syria, and then at the GA with the draft resolution against Syria, what is surprising is that in this situation, the veto protected the Principles of the Charter at the Security Council, while at the GA, the members could not prevent the abuse of their procedures and subsequently of the Charter.
Under an agenda item for “Prevention of Armed Conflict” many members voted to support an armed insurgency against a member nation in clear violation of the Charter. One member expressed her hope that the warning given by those who opposed the resolution would not prove true. Grenada’s Ambassador said that she was voting for the resolution to provide diplomatic support to help the government and people of Syria end all the bloodshed. She said she was not voting on or for a resolution that directly or indirectly or through interpretation or reinterpretation would be used as the basis for the removal of government, military intervention or other acts against the Charter of the UN in letter or in spirit. She said that she was expressing these understandings with a prayer and a hope. She didn’t acknowledge, however, the abuse of Libya that had occurred under Security Council resolutions, or the difficulty of reversing the support for the armed insurgency in Syria that some nations would claim they had license to provide based on this GA resolution.
What was important about her statement, however, was that she demonstrated that at least she had heard the objections to the resolution. Though she voted in support of the resolution, she acknowledged that if the objections proved true, such a use of the resolution would not be in accord with why she voted in favor of it. Though she said that her vote was not intended to provide a pretext for regime change or foreign intervention in Syria, unfortunately such a vote does little to protect a fraternal member nation of the UN from abuse.
1) For background see Ronda Hauben, “Defending the UN Charter by Use of the Veto: the SC Resolution on Syria, February 11, 2012,
2)General Assembly Meeting on February 13, 2012
The statement by Nicaragua starts at 42:50
3) “League of Arab States Observer Mission to Syria: Report of the Head of the League of Arab States Observer Mission to Syria for the period from 24 December 2011 to 18 January 2012″
The official UN document distributed January 31 2012 at the UN contained the Observer Report as Enclosure 4 of S/2012/71
4) General Assembly Resolution A/Res/65/281
20 July 2011
5)General Assembly Meeting on February 16, 2012
The statement by Venezuela starts at 34:23
6) Vote totals announced on Thursday, February 16. 2012 on the Draft Resolution on Syria (A/66/L.36) “The Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic”
For 137
Against 12
Abstaining 17
Vote problems 3
Not voting 24
(Total not voting, abstaining, or voting against 53)
Total UN member nations 193
Draft resolution A/66/L.36
Hide the following 16 comments
Latin American alliance ALBA condemns efforts to destabilize Syria
20.02.2012 22:54
ALBA reaffirms its support for Syria
by ALBA (*) , MRZine, 6 February 2012
The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA)
The heads of state and government of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) reiterate their condemnation of the systematic policy of interference in and destabilization of the brother Syrian Arab Republic, the aim of which is to impose, by force, regime change on the Syrian people.
The ALBA member states condemn the acts of armed violence that irregular groups supported by foreign powers have unleashed against the Syrian people. The member states hope that the Syrian society will return to calm and develop in peace.
The ALBA countries reiterate their support for the policy of reforms and national dialogue promoted by the government of President Bashar al Assad, seeking to find a political solution to the current crisis, respecting the sovereignty of the Syrian people and the territorial integrity of that brother Arab country.
Caracas, 5 February 2012
[The original communiqué "Alba ratifica su apoyo a Siria" may be read at the Web site of the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi.]
(*) The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) consists of the following members: Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Venezuela.
Yoshie Furuhashi
The author asks that Syria is left alone to carry on like it is unhindered
20.02.2012 23:08
You may be a denier and a apologist, but I've seen it on TV.
Show me it not happening on TV and maybe i'll believe you
Judge and Jury
Media lies used to provide a pretext for another "humanitarian war"
20.02.2012 23:47
According to numerous reports from the Western media, human rights organisations, as well as the UN, countless peaceful civilians have been killed by the Syrian forces since the beginning of the unrest in the country in mid March. But where do the numbers come from? Many media reports on the alleged deadly repression by the Syrian government fail to mention the sources of their information, which are very often referred to solely as "human rights groups" or "activists":
The reliance of the mainstream media on information emanating from anonymous groups provides a biased understanding of the Syrian protests, which in turn supports the broader objective of destabilizing the Syrian regime. When information from unknown sources pertaining to the death toll is published either by a mainstream media or a recognized human rights group, it is invariably picked up and considered as "factual evidence" by other news sources or think tanks, without further verification. Moreover, in the process the information is subject to further distortion.
link to the full article:
Julie Lévesque
Easily fooled
21.02.2012 10:05
My you are easily convinced.
Do you think that Bin Laden is really dead as well because the US government told you so ?
Do you believe the events of 911 were as reported by the Commission ?
Do you think that the results of elections in the UK represent the actual votes cast by the people ?
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
Knotty minded thinking
21.02.2012 10:53
Yes - there were so many people involved in his killing and funeral the idea that anything other than what the US government said is laughable.
2 - Do you believe the events of 911 were as reported by the Commission ?
Yes, there is no other CREDIBLE alternative explanation
3 - Do you think that the results of elections in the UK represent the actual votes cast by the people ?
Yes - to suggest otherwise puts you in the category of window licker.
The enemy of my my enemy.
21.02.2012 20:36
Would you please continue to report on this issue and take the comments which follow with a big pinch of salt. They aren't really genuine. Unfortunately in the UK, the far left are every bit as deranged as the far right. Their methods are not only very very deceptive but also thoroughly dishonest as-well.
There are very genuine people who continue to read Indymedia UK and they do it with full knowlegde of the less honest contributors desperately attempting to colour peoples opinions. I suppose they do this because they cannot releive themselves of the idea that we 'people' are too stupid to think for ourselves.
Still, that's the self aggrandising 'elite' for you!!!
In the near future...I think we will be able to pack them all away in a crate and send them somewhere nice for a long holiday.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
21.02.2012 20:43
My you are easily convinced.
Do you think that Bin Laden is really dead as well because the US government told you so ?
Do you believe the events of 911 were as reported by the Commission ?
Do you think that the results of elections in the UK represent the actual votes cast by the people ?
Knot-Eyed Jaguar"
Pete L
Knot-eyed Jag answers some questions
21.02.2012 21:38
So.......... I've answered his questions in the way I think he would.
I guess he can disagree with these answers, by responding with "Yes" if he wants to. But i think I have got it right.
1- Do you think that Bin Laden is really dead as well because the US government told you so ?
No - Bin Laden is alive and well. But he doesn't want to get into the limelight for personal reasons.
2 - Do you believe the events of 911 were as reported by the Commission ?
No - It was an inside job by the US government
3 - Do you think that the results of elections in the UK represent the actual votes cast by the people ?
No - the government change the numbers and overcome the auditing processes.
4. Do you think the Syrian government have committed any atrocities against its population as reported by the Western media?
No - there have been no killings by the Syrian government
Key points
troll alert!
21.02.2012 23:41
It is undertaken by professional public relations companies who are paid to do this on behalf of the very people who are committiing serious human rights abuses and trying to excuse war crimes.
When you see deranged arguments supporting that which no sane person would ever support, you have a profiteering PR consultant tapping away on a keyboard in their office.
Thats the way this works, thats the way it has been working for the past ten years.
(*) Definition: A troll is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer. Trolls delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who inspires flaming rhetoric, someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion. Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.
A classic troll tries to make us believe that he is a skeptic. He is divisive and argumentative with need-to-be-right attitude, "searching for the truth", flaming discussion, and sometimes insulting people or provoking people to insult him. A troll is usually an expert in reusing the same words of its opponents and in turning it against them.
How can you reach that conclusion ?
22.02.2012 00:17
Fact is that only 12 voted against the resolution (among which notorious dictatorships like Russia, N. Korea...) !
The plan vetoed by China and Russia in the Security Council on 4.02.12.
Supported by the 13 other Council members, the text would have expressed grave concern at the deteriorating situation in Syria and profound concern over the deaths of thousands of people. It would have condemned widespread gross violations of human rights and “all violence, irrespective of where it comes from”, while demanding that the Syrian Government implement, “without delay”, the elements of a plan set out by the League of Arab States on 22 January.
That plan, outlined in the Council’s text, would have demanded that Syria immediately cease all violence and protect its population; release all persons detained arbitrarily; withdraw all military and armed forces from cities and towns; and guarantee the freedom to hold peaceful demonstrations. It would have called for “an inclusive Syrian-led political process conducted in an environment free from violence, fear, intimidation ad extremism, and aimed at effectively addressing the legitimate aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people”.
India’s position about the resolution voted on 16.02.12 : (gives explanation about the resolution…)
He went on to note that the resolution expressly reaffirmed that all countries should refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State. It condemned all violence, irrespective of its origin, and called for serious political dialogue under the Arab League. The country’s leadership was a matter for the Syrian people to decide, he stressed, calling on all opposition forces to engage peacefully in constructive dialogue with the authorities. In that connection, he noted the Syrian leadership’s decision to hold a referendum and multi-party elections, expressing hope that that decision would create an environment of peace and facilitate a political process.
You can find the complete texts on the UN website.
Apart from that my comments made at are also applicable on this contribution, and the comments that seem to be well orchestrated.
Fact is that China and Russia are trying to gain time for their ally , and that meanwhile violence committed by the Syrian regime is stepped up, with heavy bombardment of Homs, and increased numbers of casualties…
We will call for worldwide protests in front of the Chinese and Russian Embassies, coming Friday 24.02.12, and call for a boycott from Chinese and Russian products and companies : buying Chinese or Russian means support for dictatorships (Chinese, Russian, N.Korean,…)and the cruel Assad regime.
Beno Klee
Not trolls
22.02.2012 21:46
When you see deranged arguments supporting that which no sane person would ever support, you have a profiteering PR consultant tapping away on a keyboard in their office. "
1. Has there been, or do you have any proof of this happening anywhere?
2. Which comments are you referring to in particular
3. It sounds to me like you are just making this up in your mind? This would mean that you are actually a troll (unless you can prove otherwise).
not a troll
Get behind thee.
23.02.2012 12:41
Numerous examples including the British PR company Bell Pottinger. They are **PAID** to enhance the international reputation of the repulsive Sri Lankan utra nationalist government which in 2009 committed major and highly organised human rights abuses against Tamil separatists. It really is quite staggering that in this day and age anybody can pose a question as suprememly ridiculous as yours. You must either be a utter cretin or you are a complete fool!!!!
"2. Which comments are you referring to in particular"
Go online and make a simple search for generic terms like "War on Terror", "Iraq war", "Afghanistan war" in fact anything that takes your fancy and you will have displayed before your very eyes reams and reams of results which are generated by the PR industry in one form or another on behalf of various governments, institutions and corporations of one type or another.
"3. It sounds to me like you are just making this up in your mind? This would mean that you are actually a troll (unless you can prove otherwise)."
Well, what can I say...You said it!!!!
You know, in this world it isn't how loud you say something, or how clever you ***THINK*** you are by saying it. What decides any matter is the content of what you say. And if you speak the truth then the truth decides. But to do this you have to have an ability to, at the very least, recognise the truth when it appears. Without the ability to recognise the really are just pissing in the wind.
Spamming this newswire doesn't achieve anything. It just makes you look like a fool and it makes Indymedia look foolish by association, which I think is probably your real intention.
Onwards and they say.
The End.
23.02.2012 13:09
The Syrian regime is a strong covert ally of Israel and always has been. The militant Islamic revolutionaries are on the cusp of overthrowing the Assad regime and when they do, Israel will be utterly without a single freind in the entire region. When that happens, the US and UK will be unable to further antagonise of leverage their influence in the region and that will have a major and serious consequence for Israel.
So in terms of actualising the downfall of that odious and evil nationalist presense in the Middle-East called Israel it is, unfortunately, a requirement that revolutionaries around the world support the Syrian Free Army. It is simply a requirement toward an end. And that end is a world without the great evil of Zionism.
Now obvisoulsy we are going to get a lot of Zionists posting rubbish about how this equates to calling for a second holocaust or another attempt at genocide of the Jews. They will attempt to claim that a world without Israel is going to involve industrial ovens and lots of people stomping around in jackboots. They will do this because they don't know any better, not because they understand what is happening. They will also do this to frighten Jews all over the diaspora into supporting their mad and utterly deranged nationalist perversions. The Zionists also need the Diaspora's money!!!
Anti-Semitism, is the Zionists most reliable tool.
A world without Zionism and its nationalist Zionist hordes of evil-doers, is no different in reality that a world without Apartheid. The people of South Africa survived the loss of its nationalists, and so will the people of Israel.
The Free Syrian Army WILL overthrow Assad. Israel WILL fail to defend its nationalist interests in the region and the Zionists WILL collapse as a political force as a direct result of the plans that are being laid in that region.
There will be NO attack on Iran, there will be NO 'wider regional conflict' developing and there will be NO consequences as a result of China and Russia vetoing at the UN.
The people of Britain, the US, Europe, China and Russia now speak as one. We oppose the racism and puss filled misanthropic evil that is Zionism. We oppose it as a political force and now recognise it as a blight on the face of our beautiful world community of decent and right thinking people.
We reject "zionism" and wish for its disposal at the earliest opportunity.
May God bless us.
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
Make your mind up
23.02.2012 17:34
Knot eared thinking
23.02.2012 20:08
fucking amen to that bruther. bout time someone said that.
23.02.2012 20:12
So what yur saying is that Assad is a stooge and Israel is trying to exaggerate whats going on in Syria to get some action from nato to stop the Jihadi's from taking over. So it picks a fight with Iran in order to get people shitting themselves enough to act.
So basically what the left are saying about world war 3 is actually a pro-israeli shitstorm?