organisation which will stagger and fall almost immediately. But in order
for those of us of an anti-state and anti-capitalist position towards the
prison society may for one weekend share our experiences and understandings of the current situation. This is a call out for structured presentations. If you or your friends
wish to present your ideas around any of the following then please get
in touch.
- Solidarity actions, What do they mean? What are they for? How will they spread?
- Dissemination of ideas against the prison society?
- The intensification of social struggle means greater numbers will be imprisoned. How are anti-authoritarians to engage with this?
- Technology. What new technology is being developed and where is being used already?
- Industrial prison complex/Privatisation of uk prisons.
- What have we learnt from the last two years of more generalised struggle? How can antagonism against the prison industry help us further this struggle?
- Why is anti-prison analysis so much more prevelant in mainland Europe? What can the movement in the UK learn from elsewhere?
- Individual cases of repression and how they link up with the wider context.
In solidarity some people.
Hide the following 6 comments
21.02.2012 10:58
some person
Making a valid point I think
21.02.2012 12:33
21.02.2012 16:46
a person without pedigree
Some people
22.02.2012 10:44
Fare point
22.02.2012 17:07
London gal
Hope to see you both there
22.02.2012 18:50
@london gal, yep we'll announce the actual programme nearer the time, along with the venue and other bits of infomation. We put up those ideas and question, because it's around those we want to have discussions, and share ideas, and spread infomation. It was phrased in such a way that would encourage people outside those we know to participate, maybe that was a mistake. Anyways, maybe see ya there, maybe not.
some person