Meanwhile, the letters pages of the Worthing Herald have been buzzing with outrage at the council's decision to give the go-ahead to the 700-home Durrington development next to Titnore Woods, despite overwhelming public opposition and very real fears of massive flooding.
The mood is the same nationally, with The Observer reporting on December 4 that "an extraordinary alliance of countryside campaigners, wildlife groups and green activists" had launched a "savage onslaught on the government, accusing it of showing a 'stunning disregard' for the environment."
Young people are being put off going to university because of the prospect of crippling debts looming over the rest of their lives as education increasingly becomes a treat for the rich.
And the not-so-young, now expected to work until they drop dead of exhaustion, worry about how they are going to be able to afford to go to the doctor's once the NHS is fully privatised along American lines.
What has happened to this country? Why is the future looking so bleak? The immediate answer is The Nasty Party is back in power and, despite all that greenwash and soft-soaping before the general election, this version is even worse than Thatcher's mob.
New Labour was bad enough, with war criminal Tony Bliar, his croneyism and his phoney freedom-stealing 'war on terror', but we've now reached a new phase. Make no mistake, the ruling elite of this country have now well and truly declared war on the people. This cabinet of millionaires regard the rest of us as nothing but a bunch of pathetic cattle to be herded about, left in the shit and milked for all we are worth.
They have a barely disguised contempt for the 'lower orders' and hate it when we stand up for ourselves - witness Cameron's fellow millionaire mate Jeremy Clarkson 'joking' that he'd like to see trade unionists dragged out of their homes and executed in front of their families.
Their corrupt Ponzi scheme is imploding and in order to ensure the bankers and the bosses keep getting richer, they have decided to make the rest of us bail them out - again and again and again. And if we don't like it? They've already pretty much abolished democracy - there's no real 'choice' with the fibbing cretins we are presented with on the ballot paper - and in Greece and Italy they've now being ruled by unelected 'technocrats' brought in to impose the bankers' will.
Try peaceful mass occupations like they have in the USA? Out comes the tear gas and water cannons. It sometimes seems like an impossible task to stop this descent into social slavery, environmental disaster and totalitarian police state rule.
But the one thing we should never forget is that we are the majority - the 99% as the Occupy movement so rightly points out. We are the majority in Worthing, the majority in Sussex, the majority in England, the majority in Europe, the majority in the world.
They, the 1%, may have the guns and the money but they will always be outnumbered by the rest of us, by the people. All we have to do is find the determination and courage to take them on!
How can I do my bit?
HERE at The Porkbolter we try to spread info about a range of campaign groups, so get yourself on our email list by writing to
Going to monthly Worthing Alliance meetings is a good place to get involved and discuss ideas (see Pork Scratchings, below).
A great source of weekly info is the Brighton newsletter SchNEWS ( and Brighton also hosts the excellent Cowley Club social centre (12 London Road, A number of Worthing people were also involved with the recent Occupy Brighton protest camp (occupy
Here in Worthing, if you're concerned about the environment there is the Worthing Downlanders ( or Don't Overdevelop Durrington (, for a start. For workers' rights try Worthing Solidarity Network ( or Worthing Trades Council (mail
If none of them appeal, why not set up your own action group - or just be a lone wolf freelance rebel!
Hide the following 5 comments
18.12.2011 14:10
They, the 1%, may have the guns and the money but they will always be outnumbered by the rest of us, by the people. All we have to do is find the determination and courage to take them on!
If the occupy movement is 99% of the population then i think there would be a heck of a lot more people down there. I think you are right about the "1%" but i also think that you are about "0.1%"
You do not appear to represent the 99%
18.12.2011 16:40
a nobody
Not a total miss
18.12.2011 20:41
Yes it may be 1% vs 99% but it is a totally disunited 99%. In fact so disunited that many of the 99% side with the 1% when their choice is those of us out there occupying. That is our problem to solve but it is early days yet. We have to come up with a vision of an alternative society that the bulk of the 99% would prefer to continued control of the 1%.
Sorry, but "the devil you know" is not a totally wrongheaded preference.
Even those of us out there occupying are fragmented into many factions with our own agendas.
Sad but
18.12.2011 21:44
only based on the assumption that what you think is right
21.12.2011 20:23
I don't think it is sad. Basically, I think I'll be a lot worse off if you lot had your way.
How can we support you if we feel that way. I don't see my rights taken away at all. I see my rights protected from people like you who do want to take them way.
I think you have made some awful assumptions where you think you are a) right and b) know better than everyone else. My life is absolutely fine as it is - just because yours isn't doesn't mean you are right. It is more likely that you are doing something wrong considering we both started life off the same.
the real 99%