Portsmouth Nazi Watch have become increasingly alarmed by the level of serious threats Portsmouth EDL are making, both publicly and privately, towards local people supporting the peaceful, International 'Occupy' movement.
Portsmouth Nazi Watch have become increasingly alarmed by the level of serious threats Portsmouth EDL are making, both publicly and privately, towards local people supporting the peaceful, International 'Occupy' movement.
The non-partisan Occupy movement is an all-inclusive activist group, featuring everybody and anybody; from young mothers to old-aged-pensioners, from students to dustbin men, nuns and vicars to lollypop ladies ... infact, if you have a maiden Aunt, chances are that she is a member to! It isn't hard to see why it has achieved universal appeal, with it's message of improved social justice, accountability and equality, representing "the 99% of the population" who are angered by the mess our society now finds itself in.
Months in preperation, Occupy Portsmouth have been planning to bring an "educational university" to Portsmouth Guildhall Square on Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 December. Unlike static camp set-ups elsewhere this will simply be a two-day community event over just one solitary weekend.
You may be wondering what on earth the English Defence League [EDL] are doing bothering themselves with Occupy campaigners, a non-denominational movement. After all, isn't the EDL's objective simply to oppose "islamic extremism" [sic]? Infact the Occupy movement have recentlky become the focus and target of the EDL, with a staggering 170 EDL members being arrested in London on 11th October after making open threats to attack the OccupyLSX protesters in St Paul's Square.
Despite it's repeated claims to be a non-racist, single-issue pressure group, the EDL was founded by ex-members of some of the most insidious and reactionary far-right and neo-fascist groups in the UK; the BNP, Combat 18 and Blood & Honour to name but three. Those who have the unenviable task of monitoring the far-right movement in the UK warned from the start of the true nature and intentions of the EDL and this warning is now being bourne out with the EDL openly taking a far-right, white supremacist position. We now see the EDL openly endorse and link with ex-members of the British National Party [BNP] to back the "fluffy fascism" of the newly formed British Freedom Party [BFP].
Old friend of NaziWatch, Pompey EDL's very own baby-faced Nazi, Jacob 'Jake' Hyland (aka Chubzy Nfse Hyland) was so incensced that local people wished to excercise their democratic right to free speech that he got jolly angry indeed, stamped his little jackboot and alledgedly "scweamed and scweamed until he was thick".
As the Occupy movement is a broad church of people and political beliefs we are unsure why "red cunts" have to watch their backs but we speculate that perhaps the "red mist" lowered when Jacob realised the people of Portsmouth may wish to organise their own protest, peacefully, without the assistance of the EDL and a load of beer-swilling, violent thugs hurling racist abuse and raising bigotted chanting - as we saw when one of the EDL's national "flagship" demos [LOLZ] hit Portsmouth back in July. Occupy's somewhat more good-natured, community based approach to demonstrating may certainly come as a surprise to genuine local people who had been conned into thinking the nasty EDL way was the only way to express opinion on the streets.
Baby-faced Jake immediately set about creating an event on the Facebook Social networking site, "NO to the portsmouth occupy camp", which he then solely invited his tiny clique of EDL cadres to.
Despite this event being set-up by an active member of the EDL, and boasting a guest list consisting entirely of EDL members, we wonder if he felt a tad foolish, or indeed deceptive, in announcing this was "not an EDL event." This claim may seem somewhat odd, considering it's organiser and guests are all EDL and that both he and fellow local EDL goon Martin 'Jaco English' Jackson feel the need to re-iterate that "EDL colours" (ie the tacky hoodies and cheap, nylon flags emblazoned with EDL slogans) should not be worn.
We do not know of any other organisation, protest or event where people are strictly and repeatedly told to hide and disguise who they are and what they represent. Hardly the "famous EDL" who "Never Surrender" they loudly and proudly slur on their drunken, public jollies?
Word reaches us from some of his fellow "patriots" [sic] that Hyland is now crapping himself after stirring-up his mighty Aryan Army [LOLZ] to battle such an evil terror...that does not, and never has, existed! If it wasn't bad enough that Hyland has egg-on-his-face amongst his tiny peer group of white supremacists they've actual sent out invitations to the wider nationalist movement on the South Coast to come and stamp out the awful Marxist Menace ... of ... erm, some students, some small children and civic-minded local residents meeting to discuss recycling, green energy and locally-sourced fruit'n'veg!
Hyland is right to be bricking it because amongst the dinosaurs of the far-right he has woken from their slumber is "Pompey" Dave Smeeton (from Fareham), the vertically challenged leader of the far-right March For England [MfE]. Like the EDL, MfE are another of those far-right white nationalist groups full of racists who claim not to be racist. "Pompey" Dave Smeeton (from Fareham) has been beavering away of late and was spotted hosting a fundraising event for the racist MfE at the Carisbrook Arms, Gosport on Saturday 10 December.
"Pompey" Dave Smeeton (from Fareham) will be particularly annoyed by young master Hyland, the racist rapscallion, because he has set aside this weekend especially to wine-and-dine his new nationalist love interest, the leader of Southampton FC's EDL Division, Paul Lock. God know's what Lockie will make of it all!
Full story, including photos and screenshots here:

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