In many ways Nick Griffin et al have actually become more of a threat since they stopped wearing white power t-shirts and Sieg Heiling in the street. One thing that has not changed however is that their views are based around fear, hatred and intolerance - often still backed up with physical violence. Regardless of whether the hate figure du jour is blacks, gays, Jews, communists or Muslims we need to stand together to protect what little community we do have.
Originally the meeting was called for 6pm at Baldslow Memorial Hall in St Leonards. According to the BNP South East website this has now been put back to 8pm and it is possible the venue has changed following a campaign against the venue (possibly not too smart as this tends to play into their deluded feelings of martyrdom and might make them harder to find).
Unite Against Fascism (UAF - a predominantly Trot/union controlled campaign group) are still calling for a demo outside the hall from 4pm. There's a Facebook page (

Whether Nick will get there early, late or not at all - those of us opposed to the politics of racism/nationalism/fascism need to be there.