MOJ press release:
Consultation webpage:
Consultation document (pdf):
I'm not sure if it will have any effect at all, but it might be worth responding with some stories about positive squatting experiences, to add a bit of balance. The worst they can do is ignore them.
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F**k 'em and their laws!
16.07.2011 00:29
It was (after some initial teething troubles), a hive of activity, with so many different activities going on, ranging from Rollerskating, Kickboxing along with Tango, art exhibitions and open mike sessions, all of which truly reflected the diversity of Cambridge culture.
Haven't set foot in there since it's become Tescos though, or any other Tescos store for that matter, not since they decided to screw over the Mill Road community.
The sooner they shut the better.
Stuff Mill Road Tescos