Kate Hudson, General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, said “Whilst Germany and Italy are now set against nuclear power, Britain seems to be taking almost no account of the lessons that must be learnt from the ongoing catastrophe at Fukushima. If the government pushes ahead with new nuclear plans, a wave of civil disobedience will dog construction at each site. Millions of people live in the areas equivalent to the zones evacuated in Japan. Are we really prepared to risk our safety by pursuing a dirty, dangerous and expensive technology which cannot make any serious contribution to the fight against climate change?
“We’ll be joining the blockade to put down a marker to the government. This protest will come to be seen as just the tip of the iceberg if they decide to build a whole new generation of these toxic timebombs, which are only ever a few errors away from leaving vast areas contaminated with radioactive poisons. We demand that the government – which includes Lib Dem ministers who opposed nuclear power until they entered the coalition – scrap their plans and instead invest in the creation of genuinely green power sources."
Andreas Speck of Kick Nuclear said “This blockade will be the first big mobilisation against new nuclear. If the government and nuclear firms like EDF continue to ignore the lessons of Fukushima we will be back to organise more and more civil disobedience. This is not just a fight about one proposed power station - if people power stops these plans at Hinkley Point, we will be stopping the whole programme dead in its tracks.”
Angie Zelter of Trident Ploughshares stated that nuclear weapons disarmers from across the country would be joining the blockade in an alliance that recognises the close links between the civil and military uses of nuclear energy and aims to promote nuclear disarmament and safe, sustainable and community-owned energy production. She said, "It is appalling that new nuclear power stations are being built when they will be adding to the mountain of highly dangerous radioactive waste that we have no idea how to dispose of safely.”
Date and time: Early morning, Monday 3rd October
In the run-up to the event training sessions will be run to facilitate a safe and peaceful protest where disruption to the local community is kept to a minimum. Local events are planned in the Bridgwater area in the days running-up to the blockade.
Further details at

More details plans for the blockade will be announced in due course.
For further comment and for interviews contact
Andreas Speck of Kick Nuclear on 07973 683936 /

Ben Soffa of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament on 07968 420 859 /