declaration of principles of Barcelona Camp
Here a message from the International Commission to help to spread protest worldwide and coordinate internationally
declaration of principles of Barcelona Camp
Here a message from the International Commission to help to spread protest worldwide and coordinate internationally (sorry only in English):
We want to share with as much
people as possible, these unforgettable moments that we are living in
#spanishrevolution and want to make this protest even more global.With this
mail we want to animate others to sum more camps outside Barcelona
organized by you.
We propose not to focus the manifestations in
reclamations in front of the Spanish embassies in your countries, the
Spanish press practically does not cover those actions. Our proposal is
that you make your own fight, to take the central places from your cities
following the model of organization of the Arab revolutions (and
Spaniards), connecting with the groups and local organizations of fight and
to begin to encamp, to work in commissions and to write up your own
documents (manifest, calls, proposals, minutes of meetings, etc).
To do
this public, spread it, use the networks to expand your message and to
self-manage.What it is happening in the different Spanish cities is not
accidental nor specific of our society, we fought to recover the dignity,
the freedom and social justice, the direct democracy, to participate in the
course of our lives. We are a network, we are spontaneous, independent, we
did not need leaders for that reason we want that in each place you take
the place, you think by your self and with others, the alternatives to that
mercantilist and cruel world to which our governments are taking to the
planet and all of us.For us the borders do not exist, the network is ours
and the street also! Another world is possible now!
More concretely we
propose to you that you camp in your cities and countries the next days of
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 26 AND 27 OF MAY in order of taking advantage of the international days of mobilization of the anti-G8 against the world-wide
oligarchy, we invited you to take the street and to establish fields in
sufficiently big places to receive a consequent infrastructure that allow
you to work and to mobilize in the best conditions. These two days and
their night must be basic to encamped an indefinite camp and that you add
encamped yours to the world-wide map of:

We use the social networks to
coordinate and to maintain to us informed. We encourage you to create an
international commission to communicate with us, to share materials and
strategies of organization in the Web to look for the group

space with the name of the country that you represent. In that link you
will find a camping guide.
In the chat (

contact with us and others encamped simultaneously or to contact us by

Our content commissions is working on
a document which systematize the very elaborated agreements on content of
the super big assembly. The document is available on web

International Networks of the International Commission of the Barcelona

e-mail general:

Internacional commission - Barcelona Camp:

e-mail internationalcommission:




Chat # takethesquare